More Discussions for this daf
1. The "Nakdan" (Tosfos DH Melech) 2. Tosfos' answer 3. Joseph and Boaz
4. Date of Rebbe Yosi's statement 5. Palti ben Layish and the Isur Yichud 6. Sheker ha'Chein
7. ולבסוף להברותו
1. Avrohom Meyer Kohn asked:

Dear Rabbonim,

In today's daf, Sanhedrin 19b and 20a, Palti ben Layish is praised to the sky. Nonetheless, he violated the halochos of yichud for many years when he stayed alone with Michal. I looked in Ben Yehoyoda, the Maharal, the Ain Yaakov, Artscroll on Shmuel and nobody raises the question. Radak of course says that the story of the Gemora is rochok but not because of yichud.

How could the Gemora praise someone in inyonai ervah who violated an issur in inyonai ervah every day for years? He obeyed the major issue but constantly violated the lesser issue every day. And then he cried that this zchus was taken away from him, as if everything he did was perfect.

Maybe he thought that for yichud, yaharog velo ya-avor does not apply but I would think that Palti could easily have moved out of town to avoid the danger. Or fake a fight and then divorce her.

How about Michal? What was her heter to be meyachaid every day? And why didn't she burn the soup every day (Bais Shamai) or throw pots at Palti every day to force a get? And did she really think her father would kill the princess - did she think her life was in danger? But anyway, just burn the soup and make life miserable for Palti. And how could Dovid marry such a lady afterwards, who constantly violated issur yichud? It seems to not be much different from a sotah.

Any thoughts would be very much appreciated.

Avrohom Meyer Kohn

Los Angeles, CA

Avrohom Meyer Kohn, Los Angeles, CA USA

2. The Kollel replies:

Tosfos in Shabbos (13b, DH Mitah) asks your question, and gives two answers:

1. Palti remained far away from Michal (perhaps Tosfos means that they slept separately; see the Gemara there), and that the front door was always open to the street.

2. Palti basically ruled like Shaul, that the Kidushin to David was invalid, for the reasons given in the Gemara. Nevertheless, he was Machmir on himself, like David (which had have been with Michal's consent, and perhaps it was even at her instigation).

The Rashba (in Teshuvos) has a different approach. The Maharsha in Sanhedrin gives an answer similar to that of Tosfos' second answer.

b'Virchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler