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1. Kohanim drinking wine 2. Bas Sheva or Bassheva 3. Ishah Marah
4. Avishag 5. v'Zos ha'Torah
1. Chaim Mateh asks:

Sanhedrin 22a

Dovid haMelech took Avishag as a pilegesh. She asked Dovid to marry him. He said he cannot because he has the maximum allowed number of wives (18). She said to him that he is only pushing her off because he doesn't have manly strength. Dovid then asks his attendants to call Bat-Sheva. "And Bat-Sheva came to the king to his room" (Melochim A 1:15).

Rav Yehuda > Rav says what they did in the room and how many times. End of story.

The implication here is that Dovid proved that he has manly strength, proving that that was not the reason he could not marry Avishag.

My question is: to whom did he prove this?! Presumably, for tzniyus reasons, noone knew for sure what he and Bat-Sheva did in the room, nor how many times, if at all.

So how were his actions with Bat-Sheva a proof of anything to anyone (except to Dovid and Bat-Sheva)?

Avishag was left with her question unanswered.

Note: You determine whether to post this question (and its answer) to the entire list or just reply to me. All I want is the answer (:-)

Chaim Mateh, Rechovot, Israel

2. The Kollel replies:

It must be that there are certain things which are obvious and which other women, especially co-wives, know about. The Gemara in Megilah (end of 13a) states that "a woman is jealous only of her friend's thigh." The Pischei Teshuvah (Shulchan Aruch, Even ha'Ezer 76:3), cited by the Mishnah Berurah in Bi'ur Halachah OC 240:1, DH T'Ch) advises for this reason that nowadays a Talmid Chacham also should fulfill the Chiyuv of Onah twice a week.

(See also the Ben Yehoyada's elucidating approach to the interaction here before David ha'Melech and Avishag. -YS)


Dovid Bloom