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1. Shevuyah 2. Shmuel's Daughters 3. Benefitting Herself
4. Shmuel's Daughters 5. אני וחברתי טמאה

Yehoshua Starr asked:

Was one of the daughters captured the same woman who fathered a son by the ger Issur who had raped her after she was captured. In Kesuvos we said Shmuel's daughters were pure?

Yehoshua Starr, Chicago, USA

The Kollel replies:

(1) The Rashbam (Bava Basra 149a DH d'Isur) writes that Isur the Ger had relations with Rachel, one of the daughters of Shmuel who was captured, before he converted and she became pregnant with Rav Meri. Isur converted before Rav Meri bar Rachel was born so Rav Meri was conceived out of Kedushah and born in Kedushah.

(2) Tosfos (there DH Rav,cited by Gilyon ha'Shas here) disagrees with the Rashbam, because the Yerushalmi states that the daughters of Shmuel were telling the truth when they said that they had been captured but were pure. Tosfos writes that from our Gemara it also seems that they were telling the truth because Rebbi Chanina said to Rav Shemen bar Aba (who was a Kohen - Rashi) that he should marry one of the captured daughters and if she had in fact been raped she would have been forbidden to marry a Kohen. Therefore Tosfos writes that Rav Meri the son of Shmuel's daughter was someone else - not the son of Isur, and Shmuel's daughter did not in fact bear a son to Isur.

(3) The Rashbam's position can be understood according to what Tosfos (Shabbos 154a DH v'Amri, also cited by Gilyon ha'Shas here) writes that not all of the daughters came in front of Rebbi Chanina to say she was pure, i.e. one of them was raped by Isur and Rav Meri was born from this.

Kol Tuv,

Dovid Bloom