More Discussions for this daf
1. Reconciling the Gemara with Bereishis 2:16-18 2. Chet Adam ha'Rishon And His Descendents 3. The Min
4. Matat 5. לו"ז בריאת אדם
1. Chaim Mateh asks:

We see that Cain and his twin sister were born before the Chet. Did Cain have any level of exemption from the curse if Adam and Chava did the chet and got punished after Cain was born? If the ground wasn't cursed for Cain, would this explain why he worked the ground while Hevel became shepherd? Would Cain's sister also be exempt from Chava's curse? If the chet brought death to the world, and maybe Cain brought death to himself by killing Hevel, then if Cain's sister has exemption, would she be subject to death?

Thank you for everything,

Gedaliah Jawitz

2. The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav,

Commenting on the Pasuk that on the day Adam would eat from the Tree of Knowledge he would die, the Midrash writes - 'Death to Adam, death to Chavah, death to him and death to his offspring (to all his offspring, even though they did not sin - commentary).

This implies that all of his offspring died, regardless of whether they were born before he ate or later. Nor do I recall ever having seen a Midrash to the contrary.

Be'VIrchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler