More Discussions for this daf
1. Dismantling the Beis ha'Mikdash in order to rebuild it 2. Mi she'Lo Ra'ah ... 3. Herod's rebuilding of the Temple
4. Daniel and giving advice to Resha'im 5. Hezek Re'iyah in Front of 100 Eidim 6. le'Bar and le'Gav
7. Tosfos DH Dmei Kanim b'Zol 8. îñúôéðà îîìëåúà 9. הוצ×

1. Guvriel Jaeger asks:


Hows it's all going? Hope everything's fine by the kollel.

According to my girsa of the shita mekubeses his understanding of Hezek Re'iyah seems uncannily similar to the Ri Migash in his discussion visa vis Mei'ah Eidim in the case of a Zilusa d'Vei Dina. Is this a chiddush? Have I just reframed our entire understanding of choshein mishpas?

Please get back to me asap as I have a siyum tomorrow.

Best of wishes,

Shokayach on all the great work you guys do,

Have a wonderful Friday,

And an excellent shabbois,


Guvriel Jaeger, Scunthorpe, United Kingdom

2. The Kollel replies:

Guvriel, I think the Pnei Yehoshua may have reframed our understanding about 300 years before you!

The Pnei Yehoshua, in Kesubos 26b, on Tosfos DH v'Asiknei, writes that [if not for the fact that he is not worthy of reframing the understanding created by Rashi and Tosfos] the Beis Din can change their minds a hundred times, and there is no problem whatsoever of Zilusa d'Beis Din. Zilusa d'Beis Din applies only when, even after retracting, the matter remains in doubt, but if the Beis Din is convinced that what they are doing is correct, they can change their minds every five minutes.

Mazal Tov on the Siyum!

Dovid Bloom