Jean E. Chouinard asked:
When was the 7th day Sabbath given to Israel? If at Mt. Sinai, after the life of Abraham, did Abraham keep a 7th Day Sabbath according to the Talmud?
Jean E. Chouinard, Allenstown, NH USA
The Kollel replies:
Shabbos was first given to all of Israel at Marah, where Israel camped in the desert after the splitting of the sea. (Sanhedrin 56b)
Shabbos is also in the Ten Commandments. We are commanded to keep the entire Torah based on Hash-m's Revelation to us on Mt. Sinai.
Avraham, Yitzchak and Yakov kept the entire Torah, before it was given, as they perceived that this is what Hash-m desired. (Kidushin 82a, Yoma 28b.)
All the best,
Reuven Weiner