More Discussions for this daf
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4. Peru u'Revu for a Ben Noach 5. Nishneis b'Sinai 6. Teaching Chumash to Non-Jews
7. Sandalfonim 8. Bris Milah
1. leo mock asked:

Hallo Rav (Mordechai) Kornfeld.

How are you?

Everything ok?

I have alittle question: Is the maskono of the gemara sanhedrien on daf 59b indeed that a ben noach is NOT metsuwe on pru urevu? Or are there different views in teh taalmud or poskim? I remember something in Jebamot on this but i can't remember where exactly...

Kol tuv and thanks.

leo (Yehudah) Mock


2. The Kollel replies:

The Gemara you are referring to is Yevamos 62a. Rebbi Yochanan says that one who had children as a Nochri and then became a Ger is Patur from Peru u'Revu. The Gemara says the reasoning for this is that he already fulfilled Peru u'Revu (when he was a Nochri). However, Tosfos asks from the Gemara in Sanhedrin, and explains that there is actually no Chiyuv of Peru u'Revu for a Nochri.

D. Zupnik

3. Yitzchok Zirkind comments:

See Encyclopedia Talmudis Vol. 3 p. 358, who cites the opinion of the She'iltos. Note also the distinction between Peru u'Revu vs. Lasheves Yetzarah; see Tosfos Gitin 41b DH Lo Sohu (who disagrees with Tosfos Chagigah 2b DH Lo Sohu). This could also be a Nafka Mina with regard to women.)

Kol Tuv,

Yitzchok Zirkind