More Discussions for this daf
1. responsibility of judges 2. Yehudah bar Nachmeini's Actions 3. Who Was the Bechor?
4. A Man's Final Judgement 5. Aharon Ha'Kohen and the Egel 6. אם יהרוג במקדש ה' כהן ונביא
1. Harold Loiterman asks:

I listened to Daf Yomi many years ago on the Bus from Monsey New York to Work. I heard one of the Maggid Shirem give a great interpretation of The Golden Calf incident and Aharon HaKohane actuually risking his like in this world and In HOLEM HA-BA to save KAL YISRAEL If you have a source for this could you let me know I can no longer find the Daf he included it with. Thank you

Harold Loiterman, Norfolk

2. The Kollel replies:


Sorry for the delay in responding. The source is the Gemara in Sanhedrin 7a based on the verse in Eichah 2:20 that describes the sin of killing a Kohen and Navi as one of extreme severity, and apparently there was a Kabalah that it was so severe that Klal Yisrael would never be able to achieve atonement for this Aveirah.

After Chur was killed, Aharon ha'Kohen (who was also a Navi) was afraid he would be next and there would be no hope for Klal Yisrael. He did the lesser of two evils with the assumption there was a chance of Klal Yisrael achieving atonement for the Aveirah of the Egel.

Avraham Phillips