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7. Rodef 8. Why Rav Chanina bar Shila
1. Shimshon Jacob asks:

The Gemarah quotes Rav as saying that he would kill any intruder other than Rav Chanina Bar Shilah (because he is sure, he would show him the mercy of a father unto a son.) It there some other mention of Rav Chanina Bar Shilah that causes Rav to say this or is he purely commenting on a personal relationship he has with Rav Chanina... is there a different sources elsewhere that corroborates this relationship or Rav Chanina's persona?

Shimshon Jacob, Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel

2. The Kollel replies:

I am not aware of any incident concerning Rav and Rav Chanina bar Shila. And although I cannot say with certainty that there are none in Shas, based on the fact that the commentaries on the spot do not provide references, it is fair to assume that there is no other mention of their relationship, and that Rav was referring exclusively to their personal relationship.

B'Virchas Kol Tuv,

Eliezer Chrysler