More Discussions for this daf
1. The application of "Ein Me'arvin Simchah b'Simchah" 2. The difference between ancient graves and modern ones 3. Tosfos DH u'Menasran
4. Doesn't a short body fit into a long niche? 5. How big can one dig a wash pond? 6. Ishah giving away money
7. Tosfos DH v'Osin Nivreches b'Moed 8. לא יעורר על מתו ולא יספידנו קודם לרגל שלשים יום 9. לפי שאין המת משתכח מן הלב

Mordechi Kohanbash asks:

I understand Tosfos first question and answer but I don't understand the second part and what Vav Yud Mem stands for. Thanks!

Mordechi Kohanbash, Los Angeles, USA

The Kollel replies:

Dear Mordechai,

The Vav Yud Mem stands for v'Yesh Meforshim- and there are those who explain.

A washing pool could be permissibly needed for washing a dead body before burial or to wash clothing to dress the dead body for burial.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner