More Discussions for this daf
1. Bidding farewell to one's Rebbi 2. Chanukas ha'Bayis of First Beis ha'Mikdash 3. "Men of stature," who take leave of R' Shimon bar Yochai.
4. Optional Activities 5. Delaying a celebration 6. The sin of David ha'Melech
7. The seven days of Shlomo Ha'Melech's celebration 8. Happy about conceiving boys 9. Simcha l'Achar Zman
10. How did Shlomo ha'Melech know that? 11. Whats Pshat with Rav Bivi? 12. Did Shlomo Hamelech hold of "Ein Me'arvin Simchah B'Simchah"?
13. חנוכת המקדש 14. אמה כליא עורב 15. ומנלן דאחיל להו

H. F. asked:

on daf 10 initially the gemara suggests that solomon should have delayed completing the temple by leaving some part undone so that the celebration of it's completion and sukkot could coincide thereby costing the people fewer workdays. presumably this is the basis for delaying the completion of a tractate and only making a celebration at a later date for instance the nine days. yet in the gemara's conception this delaying device only's permitted when it can save the people workdays. how do we then apply it in order to simply eat meat during the nine days.

H.F., new york, ny, usa

The Kollel replies:

The ARUCH HA'SHULCHAN (YD 246:44) says that this Gemara implies that it is permitted to postpone the completion of a tractate until a certain time that is fit to make a Siyum (such as the Nine Days, and also until Erev Pesach in order to permit eating on the Fast of the Firstborn). However, many authorities reject this for the reason that you write, and because it is improper to needlessly delay a Mitzvah. Only in the case of the dedication of the Mikdash was it permitted, for the sake of saving people so much lost work. It seems that those that do bring this Gemara as a source only bring it as an example, but their primary reason for permitting the postponement of the completion of a tractate is based on different reasoning.

Yosef Ben-Arza
