More Discussions for this daf
1. Mice that grow from the ground 2. Chelek..Geviha ben Pesisa story 3. נשמה מאימתי ניתנה באדם
1. Maurice asked:

How this story about the three nations (Thryate Ametthime) is connected with the subject of Chelek? Why is it important to know Geviha is a hunchback?

I will be glad if you help me to understand.

Thank you

Gut Voch

Maurice , Raleigh, NC

2. The Kollel replies:

Dear Maurice

Hello there and thanks for your question.

The first story of Geviha dealt with the issue of Techiyas ha'Meisim which is what our Mishnah is dealing with. Once his name was already mentioned, the Gemora continued with other Geviha stories. There are similar cases throughout Shas. We mention that he was a hunchback since in the first story it plays a major role. Perhaps another reason is to teach us to respect such people for their knowledge despite their physical shortcomings.

All the best.

Y. Landy