In the Outlines file, your headline says David/Nov. SHouldnt it be Shaul/Nov? Wasnt the maaseh with him?
Chuck, usa
Indeed, the Gemara discusses David's puinshment! The Maharshal (Teshuvah 96 DH ka'Devarim), Mas'as Binyamin 26 (DH Udos) and Tzemach Tzedek 6 (DH v'Zeh) say that David was punished because others sinned and suffered through him, even though he did not do anything wrong.
Noda bi'Yehudah OC 34 observes that David was not punished for the death of Avner, for he did not initiate what led to it. Chasam Sofer (Kovetz Teshuvos DH Achar) and Yad Eliyahu (Teshuvah 28 DH v'Efshar) explains that David endangered the Kohanim by asking for their help. Sho'el u'Meshiv (1:1:172) points out that in Shmuel 1:22:22, David explicitly confesses liability, for he (realized that Do'eg was envious of him, and) let Do'eg see Achimelech help him, even though he knew that Do'eg will tell Sha'ul.
Pesach Feldman
Didn't Dovid only find out later that Doeg was there? Where is it mashma that he bmeized made sure Doeg saw him or was even aware of his presence?
Kol Tuv
Even if the earlier Pesukim do not make this clear, the Pasuk that Sho'el u'Meshiv cites does. However, the opinions that David was blameless disagree. Perhaps they hold that David did not know at the time, but he confessed liability because later he found out, and he should have warned the Kohanim of the danger they were in.
I just noticed that Even Shleimah (of the Gra) 4:7 says that people are punished for Aveiros b'Ones or Shogeg because they result from previous Aveiros. The footnote cites David's liability for Nov as an example.
Pesach Feldman