My notes say that the Rambam contends that Rav Katina's comment about the "6000 years on and 1000 years of cessation" may have been meant only figuratively (Moreh Nevuchim 2:29.
Is there today an opinion that this is not necessarily an upper limit?
Barry Epstein, Dallas, USA
"Opinions" and "rulings" are officially presented only on Halachic matters, not on Agada such as these. However, although most authorities understand the Gemara literally, Rav Shlomo Fisher once told me that it does not have to be taken as such.
M. Kornfeld
Rav Yehuda Petaya, a saintly mekubal from Yerushalayim, wrote in Minchat Yehuda that the yomot hamoshiach will finish before the 1000 years begins, And if we have been distressed for 2ooo years, will need a similar 2000 Years of joy, samchenu kimois inisono, before the 1000 yrs begins. He said Since the years of moshiach were not exact chazal did not mention this Possibility of giving an exact figure.