More Discussions for this daf
1. 1. Conversion, 2. Shavuos 2. Nobody clearly holds a Min'al is forbidden 3. The practice of wearing a double shoe
4. Redundancy in the mishna from shekolim 5. Two pairs of Shoes 6. תוספות ד״ה ואנעלך תחש

Avrumi Hersh asks:

102a middle

The gemoro brings a machlokes tanoim if you can do chalitza with a minol lechatchila.

How do you see any machlokes tanoim, from the story of reb yosi in netzivin. All you see is that reb yosi brought shitas reb meir that minol is lechatchila, and some random zoken didn't realise its mutar wih a minol cos he saw reb yehuda Ben besera always using a sandol.

But how does that prove that there is any tanna that holds that a minol is bedieved.

Maybe everyone agrees that it's lechatchila, and it just happened to be that reb yb'b always used a sandol?

Avrumi Hersh, London england

The Kollel replies:

Dear Avrumi,

Rebbi Yosi quoted two opinions: Rebbi Meir who says Kesherah, and then Rebbi Yakov who says l'Chatchilah. That means that Rebbi Meir permits it only b'Di'eved. (The Zaken is not significant here.)

All the best,

Reuven Weiner