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Daniel Moskovich asked:

Would this statement (that a pregant woman uses a moch) have any practical hallachic significance today?

Daniel Moskovich, Copenhagen, Denmark

The Kollel replies:

Not really. According to the Chachamim (Beraisa, Yevamos 12b) a pregnant woman doesn't use a Moch. The only possible Heter would be if there would be a Sakanah to the pregnant woman if she did not use a Moch (see Igros Moshe, E"H 1:63). Even in this case there is a debate among the Poskim whether it is allowed. See the Pischei Teshuvah (E"H 23:2) that brings several opinions about whether it is permissible for a woman to use a Moch if the doctors tell her that it would be dangerous for her to become pregnant. The Chemdas Shlomo is lenient and the Chasam Sofer and Rabbi Akiva Eiger are Machmir. Everybody agrees that if there were no Sakanah that it would not be permissible.

In other words, today there would have to be a reasonable probability that a pregnant mother could become pregnant again and that this second pregnancy would pose a clear and present danger to the mother to possibly warrant using a Moch. If multiple pregnancies still occur (there seem to be cases recorded in the medical literature) they are extremely rare and even when they occur it is not clear whether they are considered dangerous. Therefore there does not seem to be any practical application of this Din today.

Kol Tuv,

Yonason Sigler