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4. Can a blind person not come to the Beis ha'Medrash? 5. Remark to Rebbi Akiva 6. Aseres ha'Shevatim
7. Savya? 8. Sancheriv 9. The child of a Jewish man and a Nochris

alex lebovits asked:

The Gem. states that the reason R' Dosa Ben Harkinas was prevented from coming to the Bais Hamidrash was because he was blind. Even if his 'eyes had stopped' does it mean his feet has stopped as well! The Gem. also indicates that he was very rich. Couldn't he be guided to come?

Kol Tuv

alex lebovits, Toronto, Canada

The Kollel replies:

It could be that this was only a partial reason. His blindness, coupled with the fact that he was very old and weak, might have made it too difficult to go travel to the Beis Medrash in any fashion.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose