More Discussions for this daf
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4. The status of a valley 5. Carrying in Reshus Ha'Rabim Above 10 Tefachim 6. Throwing in a hole under 10 Tefachim
7. למעלה מי' טפחים

Elie Weinstein asks:

Tosfos DH v'Halachah says that the case of the Gemara must be a thick fig because if it was a hole for which we dont say Chokikin l'Hashlim (too small) then why would it be chaiv under ten; it wouldnt be placed on an area of 4x4.

My question is...if it is 4x4 then why would it be chaiv? Shouldn't it be considered a placement on a makom petur or karmilis? I guess you can ask the question on the gemara itself.

Elie Weinstein, Brooklyn, NY

The Kollel replies:

The Gemara is explaining now according to the opinion that Chorei Reshus ha'Rabim has the Din of Reshus ha'Rabim Min ha'Torah, and so if it has an area of 4 by 4 Tefachim less than 10 Tefachim from the ground, it is a proper Reshus ha'Rabim.

All the best,

Reuven Weiner