More Discussions for this daf
1. Words of Torah at night 2. Chananyah's opinion that we do not make Pasin for a Bor 3. Mano'ach
4. רש״י ד״ה אבל אם היה דיר

Ari Stern asks:

The Gemarah in Eruvin states thar Ma'Noach (Father of Shimshon) was an Am Haaretz.

1- Why does the Gemorah have to let us know this derogatory information , what is the Limud for us?

2- Additionally R' Yehudah ben Besairah criticizes R' Akiva in Maseches Shabbos Daf 96. for revealing derogatory information about Tzelofchad, as he says the Torah covered his sin, why are you being megalaeh it?

why wasn't there a similar challenge here, that the Navi did not explicitly state his Am Hartzus so why are you uncovering it?

Yasher Koach

Kol Tuv.

The Kollel replies:

Sholom Rav

Rebbi Yehudah ben Beseira criticized Rebbi Akiva for revealing the identity of the person who was Mechalel Shabbos, when the Torah deliberately refrained from doing so. The Navi, on the other hand, records that Mano'ach went behind his wife. We knew who did the act and we know what he did. All the Gemara does is to draw the necessary conclusion from the facts - at the same time teaching us that such behavior is Am ha'Aratzus.

Be'Virchas kol Tuv

Eliezer Chrysler.

BERGMAN Mark comments:

Of course, the conclusion of the Gemoro there is that Manoach was NOT an Am Haaretz (contrary to popular opinion! - poor Manoach)

Meir Eliezer Bergman