More Discussions for this daf
1. When a Shituf Mavu'os was made, but not an Eruv Chatzeros 2. A "Zechiyah" with a slight "Chov" 3. The Chumra of Eruvei Techumim
4. Shivasah of a newborn 5. Rebbi Meir 6. Not many 'Teiku's in Eruvin
7. Halachah k'Divrei ha'Meikel b'Eiruv

Shlomo Zalman Lerner asks:

I was wondering if the reason there are so few, perhaps only just one so far, is that since eruvin are mainly d'rabbanan, there will not be a taku on these laws. If so, perhaps in mesechet Megilah, there may also not be many takus.

Shlomo Zalman Lerner, Atlanta, USA

The Kollel replies:

I am not sure how much there is to read into this, as Teiku does appear in Eruvin three times (46b, 90a, 99a) regarding Rabbinic laws. Additionally, in a similar size Meseches such as Sanhedrin it applies only five times, even though many laws discussed there are Torah laws. I therefore do not think there is any conclusive reason for the amounts of Teikus.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose