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4. Shmuel Agrees with Rav that a Mavoy Requires Two Chatzeros and Two Batim

Jeff Ram commented:

What he's saying is that Rav Elazar called Rav Bruna by the name of "bar Bei

Rav"... "young yeshiva student of Rav". This is certainly an improvement

over saying that a young yeshiva student told Rav Bruna: "take me to

where Shmuel is staying so I can see for myself".

In reviewing your answer page for daf 74a, it seems that the kollel also learned this as "Rav Elazar who is a young student of the yeshiva of Rav". Did you send this correction out in the Daf Yomi Forum? If not, may I suggest that you do it seems that this error was commonly made.

The Kollel replies:

That way of reading the Gemara certainly answers your question. The Gemara in Kesuvos 74a uses the phrase Bar Bei Rav in a similar vein, although not immediately following the name of a person. It is not clear which reading is more correct.

Be well!