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1. A nidah passing between two men 2. A verse beginning and ending with "Aleph-Lamed" 3. Woman walking between 2 men

HG Schild asked:

My question is, why does saying a passuk beginning and ending with "aleph- lamed" help? Why particularly this word?

HG Schild, NY USA

The Kollel replies:

Tosfos writes that it is actually a Tefilah which relates to the danger. According to Rashi, it is merely a Siman as to which Pesukim to recite. The Maharsha explains that just as the danger is created by going in between, so too the Hatzalah is achieved from between the two Sheimos. He further explains that these Pesukim relate to Sheidim and their lack of influence over Yisrael.

D. Zupnik

HG Schild asks:

But does anyone say why these this name of G-d in particular?

The Kollel replies:

This name alludes to the source of all strength and power ("Koach Kol ha'Kochos"), for also Mal'achim and Shedim are called thusly, and it is the source of their power ("Bnei Elim" -- see Rabeinu Bachye and Ramban, Parshas Acharei Mos).

M. Kornfeld

(Sorry for the delay in getting back to your question.)