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1. Tadir 2. Dipping Karpas into Charoses

joe schwarz asked:

how do those that say that you need not (or should not) dip karpas into charoses (e.g. rashbam, rosh, shulchan aruch, etc.) explain the gemara on 115a-115b that talks about the need to do netillat yadayim before karpas because of the problem of dipping it into charoses?

joe schwarz, new york, usa

The Kollel replies:

Even if you don't dip the Karpas in Charoses, you still dip it into salt-water or vinegar. It is then "Tibulo b'Mashkeh" and needs Netilas Yadayim.

D. Zupnik

joe schwarz asked further:

yes, thank you. i understand that. but on the top of 115b it says "tzorich leshkuyah b'charoses mishum kappa" - and as i understand the bottom of 115a, the genara is referring to the netilas yadayim before karpas! so why does the gemara talk about charoses and not chometz or salt-water (which i understand would require netlat yadayim also!)

The Kollel replies:

The Rosh (10:25) himself implies that this statement of the Gemara is according to the Tana Kama (114a) who holds that Charoses is not a Mitzvah, but rather because of Kapa. We Pasken like Rebbi Elazar b'Rebbi Tzadok that the Charoses is not because of Kapa, but rather because it is a Zecher l'Tit etc. (see 116a). This is also apparent from the fact that the Rosh does not bring this statement in Halachah (although he brings the one before it and after it).

Take Care,

Yaakov Montrose