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1. A reason why the blessing "Al Achilas Pesach" should exempt the Chagigah 2. Shehecheyanu on Bedikas Chometz

Simcha Cohen asked:

Gut Chanukah.

(121a) "Berach Birchas ha'Pesach Patar Es shel Zevach..." Why can we not give the reason, as by Bedikas Chametz we go "Basar Sof" and say "Al Bi'ur Chametz", so also here the Zevach is brought in order to eat the Pesach "Al ha'Sova," let's say if he said Al Achilas Pesach he is at least Yotze b'Di'eved?


Simcha Cohen,

Kol Tuv!

The Kollel replies:

Good question. The point of Bedikas Chametz is to burn whatever Chametz one finds and to get rid of it; if one keeps the Chametz in his house after finding it during the Bedikah, he certainly has done no Mitzvah. The primary Mitzvah of Bedikah, then, is to burn the Chametz. This is different than our case, where eating the Chagigah is certainly a Mitzvah in itself, even if no Pesach is eaten afterward.

Mordecai Kornfeld

Rabbi Chrysler replies:

Dear Simchah

The reason that we go Basar Sof by Bedikas Chametz, and recite 'al Bi'ur Chametz' is because it is really all part of the same Mitzvah (the proof is that we only recite one Berachah, and not two). Whereas in our case, the Pesach and the Chagigah are two Mitzvos, each one with its own Berachah. So why on earth should we go Basar Sof?

Lovely to hear from you. A Lichtigen Chanukah, Kol tuv

Eliezer Chrysler.