More Discussions for this daf
1. Dam Kodshim, according to Rebbi Avahu 2. Tasteless Gid ha'Nasheh 3. Ain b'Gidin ha'Nasheh b'Nosen Ta'am
4. Hekesh used already 5. Neveilah to a Nochri

Anonymous asked:

The gemara on 21b says that nevila is mutar to give to a goy but on our daf we say piece with Gid ha'Nasheh is mutar since recognizeable mutar. nevela isn;t recognizeble


The Kollel replies:

There are different opinions as to the case of our Gemara. The Magid Mishneh (Ma'achalos Assuros 8:14) says that the case is when the Jew gives the piece with the Gid Ha'Nasheh in it to the Nochri and says that it is kosher meat. This is why a Jew who sees the transaction would buy it. Otherwise, no Jew would normally assume such meat is kosher. This is why, the Magid Mishneh explains, one can normally sell Neveilah to a Nochri without a problem. [For other explanations, see Magid Mishneh (ibid.) at length.]

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose