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Sholem asks:

Toisfos explains this to be referring to wine sediments. How does wotk with mei peiros aino machmitz?

Sholem, UK

The Kollel replies:

The Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim 462:3 writes that one may knead dough with wine to make Matzot. Mishneh Berurah there; in Biur Halacha paragraph beginning La-lush; cites our Toisfos that this only applies to wine, but if one kneads with sediments of wine, the result will be total Chametz. There is a big difference between wine and sediments of wine. The latter possess a special property which causes the dough to rise.

Behatzlachah Rabah

Short explanation of above:

I found that Teshuvat Chatam Sofer Orach Chaim (#126 DH veHine Lashon) explains our Tosfos to mean that the difference is what purpose is one trying to achieve with the wine or with the wine sediments. When one kneads flour with wine it does not have a chance to rise, but when one uses the wine sediments one is using the sediments in the same way that one uses yeast. One stands the flour in the yeast with the intention that the yeast will make the flour rise. Similarly one is not merely mixing the flour with the sediments, but rather the sediments are being used as a raising agent. If so, even sediments (which are admittedly less potent than yeast) can also achieve the same purpose as the yeast, and cause "Chimutz". The sediments are not being used in a way similar to the way a liquid is used, so they promote leavening.


Dovid Bloom