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4. Temai Meis in the Desert 5. Lines of Kohanim 6. Shechitah Knife on Erev Pesach she'Chal b'Shabbos
7. תוס' ד"ה מה מועדו 8. פסח ותמיד דוחין שבת

Allan katz asks:

I understood that the tamei meis suggested that somebody tahor would offer the korban pesach on their behalf and they would eat it in the evening when they would be pure , so would that work - or they have to be pure on the day of the sacrafice or you can't do ha'za'ah on the 14 th -thanks

Allan katz, Israel

The Kollel replies:

Dear Allan,

Please explain: are you asking about the Temaim of Bahaloscha what they wanted? See Pesachim 90b.

Background- there is a Machlokes if the 7th day of becoming Tahor is on Erev Pesach if the Pesach can be brought for him: meaning, can the Kohen bring for him when he didn't go to Mikva and/or do Hazaah yet at the time of the Korban. (But if he is after Hazaah and Mikva according to all opinions the Korban can be brought for him, and he can eat it that night.)

All the best,

Reuven Wweiner