More Discussions for this daf
1. Marrying another woman in another town 2. The Seclusion Of The Kohen Gadol 3. Loaves?
4. Chafinah 5. Pas b'Salo 6. Kohen Tziduki
7. Esrog 8. To Eat or Not To Eat? 9. Dam Chimud and the Minhag of the Chasan and Kalah not seeing each other for a week before the Chasunah
10. Kohen Gadol On Erev Yom Kipur 11. Maintaining Taharah While Traveling 12. רש״י ד״ה מתני' אישי

hgschild asked:

Any drushes on why esrog is included in the items that the Kohen Gadol should not be eating?

hgschild, ny usa

The Kollel replies:

It is pretty difficult to say there could be a Derasha with much Emes to it regarding the significance of Esrog in this list, as Esrog is just one of the many things that is listed in the Gemara as increasing Zera, and that the Kohen should therefore avoid.

The fact that an Esrog increases Zera could be a subject for Derashah, such as the Tzadikim of Klal Yisroel being compared to an Esrog, and the fact that Klal Yisroel is blessed that they will be numerous like sand, etc.

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose