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Shalom Spira asked:

Shalom Aleichem Rabanei hakolel, Shlit"a.

From the sugya regarding the perisha of the KG, it sounds as though Rabbi Yochanan & Reish Lakish agree that there is a dioraisa obligation to do so before Yom Kippur (though they differ on the biblical source).

In a separate disagreement on 3b, Rabbi Yochanan says that only in the case of Yom Kippur is there a biblically mandated perisha, whereas for the para aduma it is a "ma'ala bi'alma" (presumably meaning it is dirabanan), in contradistinction to R' Yehoshua ben Levi who holds that even in the case of para, the obligation is biblical in nature.

My question is as follows. Tosfos (4a, s.v. "Nichnisu") assert that the whole limud from miluim which R' Yochanan makes to learn that the KG must be sequestered before YK is an 'asmachta bi'alma". In other words, it too is dirabanan! But if that is the case, what is the difference to R' Yochanan between YK and para aduma? One is just an "asmachta bi'alma", and the other is just a "ma'ala bi'alma" (i.e. they are both midirabanan)!

From R' Yochanan's remarks on 3b in his machloikes with R' Yehoshua Ben Levi, it sounds as though there is a requirement me'ikar hadin to have perisha before YK, whereas para aduma is just an auxiliary case, but I fail to see the difference if they both truly. dirabanan.

Thank you very much,

Shalom Spira, Montreal, Canada

The Kollel replies:

Tosfos (3b DH "d'Rabei") explains that Rebbi Yochanan does not hold that the Perishah before the Parah Adumah is referred to in the Pasuk at all. Accordingly, the Gemara answers that Rebbi Yochanan only listed Perishah before Yom ha'Kipurim as that is more important because it is referred to by the Pasuk. Especially if one understands the concept of Asmachta as does the Ritva (Rosh Hashanah 17a), that this was something which Hash-m wanted Chazal to understand as part of the intent of the Pasuk, an Asmachta has far greater significance than an additional Ma'alah that Chazal added in Parah Adumah (which might even be classified as a Minhag, not a "Din mid'Rabanan").

All the best,

Yaakov Montrose