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1. Silver Shovel 2. Was the Machtah red or green gold?

Yedidya Israel asked:

Shalom Rav.

I saw that the Rambam drops the halacha(?) that the Machta was made of red gold although he mentioned all other details (not heavy, long handle, taking up 3 Kabin). I wonder why the king of gold was dropped.

I saw that the Yaabets in his Sidur says that the Machta was made of green gold, he generally states before that he is following the Rambam.

In our Sidur (Sefaradim) in Seder Avoda it says that the Machta was red (do Ashkenazic Sidurim say so too?), I wonder why we are saying Seder Avoda not Aliba DeHilcheta, or do we hold that the Rambam agrees that its gold was red, why then was this detail missing?

Thanks in advance and Ishar Koach.

Yedidya Israel,

System Administrator.

The Kollel replies:

The "Likutim" brought in the Mishnayos Yachin U'Boaz brings the following question. Rashi on our Mishna says the reason for all the differences our Mishna brings between Yom Kippur and an ordinary day (only one shovel, long handle etc.), is to make the avodah easier for the Kohain Gadol due to his weakened state. However, he asks, this can't be true for everything listed. The color of the gold wouldn't at all affect the level of difficulty of the avodah! Therefore, he understands Rashi to be explaining the reason for all the Tanna Kamma's changes only. This particular halacha that on Yom Kippur the gold of the machta was red is said by R' Menachem. The Tanna Kamma argues on R' Menachem, and the Rambam paskens like the Tana Kama.

D. Schloss