[9a - 16 lines; 9b - 35 lines]
1)[line 1]ñéäøàSIHARA- moon
2)[line 3]éåí äðóYOM HA'NEF (CHADASH) - on the day of the waving (and offering) of the Korban ha'Omer, the sixteenth of Nisan (see Background to Erchin 4:4a)
Chadash is any grain that has not begun to take root until after the Korban ha'Omer is brought on the second day of Pesach. This grain may not be eaten until next year's Korban ha'Omer is brought (or, when there is no Beis ha'Mikdash, until the day that it would have been brought), as it states in Vayikra 23:14.
3)[line 4]ìàåø òéáåøåL'OR IBURO- on the night that follows the thirtieth day of the month (which marks the first of the new month, if the first month was a leap (30-day) month)
4a)[line 12]ñéúåàSITVA- in winter
b)[line 12]÷ééèàKAITA- in summer
5)[line 14]àéï áéï òöøú ìòöøú åàéï áéï øàù äùðä ìøàù äùðä àìà àøáòä éîéí áìáãEIN BEIN ATZERES L'ATZERES V'EIN BEIN ROSH HASHANAH L'ROSH HASHANAH ELA ARBA'AH YAMIM BILVAD
The day of the week on which Shavu'os and Rosh Hashanah fall, respectively, in two consecutive years is always four days apart. (For example, if Shavu'os occurs on Sunday this year, then it will occur next year on Thursday. The Halachah does not follow this opinion.)
6)[line 32]áðãøéí äìê àçø ìùåï áðé àãíB'NEDARIM HALECH ACHAR LESHON BNEI ADAM
We explain the meaning of a Neder based on colloquial usage. The Gemara here mentions the example of one who made a Neder to refrain from eating or doing something for the period of a lunar year. Even though, technically, a lunar year can fluctuate in length, the Neder has effect for a period of 354 days, since this is the amount of time which people refer to as a "year."