úåñ' ã"ä òã ùìà ðòùä çúðå åðòùä çúðå (åðòùä çúðå) åàç"ë îúä áúå ëùø
(Summary: Tosfos establishes the Beraisa where his daughter left no children.)
îééøé áùàéï áðéí ìáúå ...
Clarification: It speaks where his daughter did not have children.
ëéåï ãîå÷îé' ìéä äëà ëø"é, ãàéú ìéä ìø"é (ñðäãøéï ëæ:) 'äéä çúðå åîúä áúå, àí éù ìä áðéí äéîðå, äøé æä ÷øåá ;àáì àí àéï ìå áðéí, àéï æä ÷øåá.
Reason: Since the Gemara establishes it like Rebbi Yehudah, who holds (in Sanhedrin 27b) that 'If he was his son-in-law, and his daughter died, he is still considered a relative as long as she had children from him; but not if he did not.
úåñ' ã"ä åàìà åäåà ì"ì ìøáé ëãàéú ìéä åìøáðï ëãàéú ìäå
(Summary: Tosfos deiscusses what the Rabbanan learn from the "Hu" in the Pasuk "ve'Im Mach Hu me'Erkecha".)
å÷ùéà ìøáé îàé ãøùé øáðï áääåà "äåà "ãëúéá "åàí îê äåà îòøëê?"
Question: 'Rebbi' asked what the Rabbanan will learn from the "Hu" in the Pasuk "ve'Im Mach Hu me'Erkecha
åùîà éù ãøùà áùåí î÷åí îäàé "äåà" ãäëà åãøùé' ìéä.
Answer: Perhaps somewhere there is a D'rashah from this "Hu" (Refer to Gilyon).
úåñ' ã"ä ìà öøéëà ùäéä àáéå âåññ ëå'
(Summary: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's explanation.)
ôéøù á÷åðè' -àáì áòøëéï áãòú äëäï úìéà øçîðà, åàé çæé ãàáéå âåññ, àéðå îòøéëå òã ùéîåú àáéå.
Refuted Explanation: Rashi explains that by Erchin it all depends on the decision of the Kohen, who, if he sees that his father is a Goseis, will refrain from assessing him until his father dies.
åìà ðäéøà, ãì÷îï àîøéðï 'àéï áä÷ãù àìà î÷åîå åùòúå' ...
Refutation #1: This is not correct however, because later on the Gemara says that "Hekdesh depends on its location and in its time'.
åáñîåê ðîé îééúé ìä- 'àúä ä÷ùú ãîéí ìòøëéï åîøâìéú ì÷ìéí' ...
Refutation #2: And the Gemara will also shortly cite it, when it says 'You compare value (Neder) to Erchin and pearls to Kalim (a poor man) ...
ôéøåù òðé ùäòøéê òöîå åéù ìå îøâìéú ùàéðä ùåä òëùéå ëé àí ë' ñìòéí, àéï àåîøéí ðîúéï òã ùéáà éåí äùå÷ åúòìä ìð' ñìòéí...
Clarification: This (latter phrase) means that if a poor man who was Ma'arich himself owns a pearl which is currently worth twenty Sela'im, we do not say 'Wait until market day, when the price will go up to forty Sela'im ...
àìà ùîéï àåúä ëîå ùäéà òëùéå, åìà éúï ë"à ë' ñìòéí...
Clarification (cont.): But rather we assess it as it is now, and he only needs to give twenty Sela'im ...
åà"ë, ìîä àðå öøéëéï ìäîúéï òã ùéîåú àáéå?
Refutation (cont.): If so, why should we wait until his father dies?
ìëï ðøàä ìø"é ãìà ÷àé 'àáì á÷øáðåú àéðå ëï' à'îú àáéå' ...
Authentic Explanation: The Ri therefore explains that 'But Korbanos are different' is not referring to 'Meis Aviv' ...
àìà àäà ãìòéì ÷àé ,åñåó îéìúà ãø' éäåãä äéà.
Authentic Explanation (cont.): But to the earlier part of the Mishnah - in fact it is the conclusion of Rebbi Yehudah's statement.
åäà ãîôøù àç"ë 'àôé' îú àáéå åäðéç ìå ... '
Implied Question: And when it says later 'Even if his father died and left him ... ' ...
îéìúà áàôé ðôùä äéà, å÷øáðåú åòøëéï ùåéï áå.
Answer: It is an independent statement, regarding which Korbanos and Erchin are equivalent (See Shitah Mekubetzes).
úåñ' ã"ä ùéúï ëùòú ðúéðä
(Summary: Tosfos disagrees with Rashi's reason.)
ôé' øù"é ãáãîéí ôùéèà ìéä ãéäéá ëùòú ðúéðä åìà ëùòú äðãø ...
Refuted Explanation #1: Rashi explains that by Damim it is obvious yjat one pays according to the time of payment and not according to the time of the Neder ...
ãäà ëòáã áùå÷ ùîéï àåúå -åàí àîø 'ãîé òìé' áúùøé åáðéñï áà ìá"ã, îé éåãò îä äéä ùåä áùòú äðãø?
Reason: Seeing as one assesses him like an Eved in the market-place - and if he declared 'D'mei alai' in Tishri, but came to Beis-Din only in Tishri, how would one possibly know his value at the time of the Neder?
åùòú ðúéðä äééðå [ùòä] ùäåà áà ìá"ã ]ìùåï øù"é.[
Refuted Explanation #1 (cont.): And 'the time of giving' is synonymous with the time that he comes to Beis-Din (Rashi's wording).
åúéîä, îàé ñáøà äåà æä? ...
Refutation: What sort of logic is that?
ãìîä éù ìðå ìåîø ùäéä ùåä éåúø îòëùéå? ...
Refutation (cont.): Why would one assume that he beforehand he wass worth more than he is now? ...
åàí àðå øåàéí ùäåà çìù òëùéå åàæ äéä âáåø, àæ éãòðå áåãàé ùäéä ùåä éåúø ...
Refutation (cont.): If on the other hand, we see that now he is weak, whereas before he was strong, then we will know that he was definitely worth a Sela more (than he is now) ...
åðôñéã ää÷ãù- îàçø ùàðå øåàéí ùäéä ùåä éåúø ñìò ìëì äôçåú?
Refutation (concl.): And we will cause Hekdesh a loss - since we see that he was worth at least a Sela more then?
ìëê àåø"é ãàéï æå ñáøà àìà ùåí øàéä î÷øà éù áå.
Explanation #2: The Ri therefore explains that this is not a S'vara but there is source for it from a Pasuk.
åòåã ãúðï ì÷îï ôø÷ äàåîø îù÷ìé (ãó ë. åùí) 'îú äðéãø, ìà éúðå äéåøùéí -ìôé ùàéï ãîéí ìîúéí' ...
Proof: Moreover, we learned later in Perek Mishkali alai (Daf 20a & 20b) that 'If the Nidar dies, the heirs do not pay - because a Meis has no value'.
åàí äéä äèòí îñáøà ãàæìéðï áúø ðúéðä, äúí ìà ùééê ìîéîø äê ñáøà ,ùäøé éãòðå ùäéä ùåä áçééå ñìò ìëì äôçåú ...
Proof (cont.): Now if the reason was a matter of logic - because we go after the time of giving, that S'vara is not applicable there, since we know for certain that he was worth at least at least a Sela in his lifetime ...
åà"ë, îôðé îä àðå ôåèøéí äéåøùéí îëì åëì?
Proof (concl.): So why do we exempt the heirs completely?
àìà åãàé ùåí ÷øà éù áå.
Conclusion: Consequently, it must be based on a Pasuk.
úåñ' ã"ä éëåì øàùåï åìà øàùåï áëìì ùáéòé åìà ùáéòé áëìì
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the Havah Amina.)
åà"ú, äéàê àôùø ìåîø ëï? ...
Question: How can one say that ...
åäëúéá (ùîåú éâ) "ùáòú éîéí úàëì îöåú" ?
Question (cont.): Seeing as the Torah writes (in Sh'mos 13) "Seven days you shall eat Matzos"? ...
åé"ì, ãìçéåá ëøú ÷àîø ,ãëøú áäàé ÷øà ëúéá, ãëúéá "ëé ëì àåëì îçîöú åðëøúä îéåí äøàùåï òã éåí äùáéòé" ...
Answer: The Tana is talking about a Chiyuv Kareis, since Kareis is mentioned in the current Pasuk - "Ki Kol Ochel Machmetzes ve'Nichr'sah mi'Yom ha'Rishon ad Yom ha'Shevi'i" ...
îù"ä îééúé 'ú"ì "òã éåí äàçã åòùøéí áòøá" - 'åäàé ÷øà ëøú ðîé ëúéá áéä.
Answer: That is why it cites the Pasuk "ad Yom ha'Rchad ve'Esrim ba'Erev" - which also mentions Kareis (See Avodah Berurah).
úåñ' ã"ä åàé áòéú àéîà ìëì îøàä òéðé äëäï
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement and points to a contradiction with a a Sugya in Zevachim.)
åàéðå éëåì ìøàåú áøàù îôðé äùòø åáøâì áéï àöáò ìàöáò.
Clarification: And he cannot examine the head due to the hair, and the foot between the toes.
åà"ú, äëà îùîò ãôøç áëåìå ìà ùééê áøâì, å'áàéæäå î÷åîï' (æáçéí ãó îè:) ìà îùîò ëê ...
Introduction to Question: Here it implies that spreading to the whole body does not include the foot, whereas in 'Eizehu Mekoman' (Zevachim, Daf 49b) it seems otherwise ...
ãàéëà äúí ø' ðúï áï àáèåìîåñ àîø 'îðéï ìôøéçä ááâãéí ùäéà èäåøä? ...
Introduction to Question (cont.): Since there is says, quoting R. Nasan ben Avtulmus 'From where do we know that spreading by Begadim is Tohor? ...
ðàîø '÷øçú åâáçú' ááâãéí åðàîø '÷øçú åâáçú' áàãí- îä ìäìï ôøçä áëåìå èäåø, àó ëàï ôøçä áëåìå èäåø...
Introduction to Question (cont.): It says 'Karachas and Gabachas' by Begadim and 'Karachas and Gabachas' by Asam - just as by the latter it is Tahor, so too, by the former ...
åäúí îðìï? ãëúéá "îøàùå åòã øâìéå" -îä ìäìï ëåìå äôê èäåø' -ôéøåù áøâì, àó ëàï ôé' áøàùå ëåìå äôê èäåø ...
Introduction to Question (concl.): And from where do we learn there (by Adam)? Because it writes "From his head to his feet; just as there if it spreads to all of him he is Tahor - i.e. 'be'Regel' also here - 'be'Rosho', if it spreads to all of it, he is Tahor' ...
[îùîò] ãôøéçä ùééê ùôéø áøâì ãéìéó øàù îøâì?
Question: Implying that spreading applies to the feet, since we learn Rosh from Regel (See Shitah Mekubetzes 17)?
úåñ' ã"ä åôãåéå îáï çãù åîòìä
(Summary: Tosfos explains the (mis)quote.)
åçôùðå àçø î÷øà æä åìà îöàðåäå ë"à "åôãåéå îáï çãù úôãä?"
Question: Tosfos searched for this Pasuk, but only found the Pasuk that reads "u'Feduyav mi'ben Chodesh Tifdeh"?
åùîà ãøéù äëé îãëúéá "åôãåéå îáï çãù" -ãîùîò 'îáï çãù åîòìä' ...
Answer: Perhaps the Gemara makes this D'rashah because the Torah writes "u'Feduyav mi'ben Chodesh" - implying from one month and upwards ...
îãìà ëúéá "áï çãù."
Proof: Since it did not write just " ... ben Chodesh".
úåñ' ã"ä ùðúå ùìå åìà ùðúå ùì òåìí
(Summary: Tosfos explains why we cannot learn this from a S'vara, but a Pasuk is required.)
ä÷' äøá ùîåàì áï äøá àìçðï ì"ì ÷øà, úéôå÷ ìéä îñáøà...
Question: ha'R. Shmuel ben ha'R. Elchanan asks why a Pasuk is needed - why we cannot learn this from a S'vara?
ãàìú"ä äéàê ðîöà úîéãéï ëùøéï ìø"ä...
Question (cont.): Since otherwise, how will Temidin ever be Kasher for Rosh Ha'Shanah ...
ùàí ðåìã ÷åãí ø"ä, îéã ëùðëðñ ø"ä áï á' ùðéí äåà- åàðå ëáù áï ùðä áòéðï ìúîéãéï? ...
Question (cont.): Because if the animal is born before Rosh ha'Shanah, as soon as Rosh ha'Shanah enters, it will be two years, whereas for the Tamid, we require a lamb in its first year?
åàí äåà ðåìã éåí ø"ä, îçåñø æîï äåà?
Question (concl.): And if it is born on Rosh ha'Shananh itself, it will be premature?
åéù îôøùéí, ãàéï àðå îúçéìéï îðéï ùðúå ëé àí îéåí äøöàä...
Refuted Answer: Some commentaries explain that we only begin counting its year on the day that of Hartza'ah (i.e. on the eighth day) ...
ëãàîøéðï âáé áëåø "ìôðé ä' úàëìðå ùðä áùðä" ...
Precedent: As we says in connection with B'chor - where the Torah writes "Lifnei Hash-m Elokecha Tochlenu Shanah Be'Shanah ...
åàîøéðï (ø"ä ãó å:) ã'àéï àðå îåðéï àìà îéåí äøöàä' -ä"ð àîøéðï äëà.
Precedent (cont.): And the Gemara says in Rosh ha'Shanah (Daf 6b) that 'We only count from the day of Hartza'ah - so we will say the same here.
åàéðå ëï...
Refutation: This is not correct however ...
ãìà àîøéðï ãéï æä ë"à ìòðéï áì úàçø, àáì ìòðéï îðééï ùðéå, ìà...
Reason: Because we only say that with regard to 'bal Te'acher' (the La'av of delaying a Korban), but not with regard to its age ...
ãäà àîøéðï áô"á ãæáçéí (ãó ëä:) ã'ùòåú ôåñìåú á÷ãùéí' ...
Proof: Since the Gemara states in the second Perek of Zevachim (Daf 25b) that 'hours invalidate by Kodshim'
ôé' àí ùçè ëáù [áéåí] äùìîú ùðúå ÷åãí ùäâéò îòú ìòú ãìéãúå, åìà äñôé÷ ìæøå÷ äãí òã ùòáø îòú ìòú ìùòú ìéãúå, ôñåì...
Proof (cont.): Since the Gemara states in the second Perek of Zevachim (Daf 25b) that 'hours invalidate by Kodshim' ...
åàé àæìéðï áéä àçø äøöàä, ìà úîöà ãéï æä -ùäøé ìòåìí äåà áï ùðúå
Proof (cont.): Now if we were to go after Hartza'ah, this Din would not be applicable - seeing as it would still be in its first year.
àìà ù"î ãàæìéðï àçø äìéãä îîù à"ë äãøà ÷åùéà ìãåëúéä?
Proof (concl.): So we see that we go after the actual birth, in which case The Kashya remains intact.
åàåîø îåøé ä"ø ùîåàì ãùôéø àéöèøëå ÷øà, ãàé ìàå äëé, ìà àîøéðï áéä îòú ìòú ...
Answer: Tosfos' Rebbe R. Shmuel answers that the Pasuk is nevertheless needed, because otherwise we would not say by it me'Eis le'Eis ...
ëãàé' ì÷îï áôø÷ áúøà (ãó ìà.).
Proof: As the Gemara will say later in the last Perek (31a) See Shitah Mekubetzes 19.
úåñ' ã"ä áîñôø ùðé úáåàåú ôòîéí ùàãí àåëì â' úáåàåú áá' ùðéí
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the D'rashah via a number of queries.)
åà"ú, äéëé ãøùéðï îäàé ÷øà äëé?
Question: How can we learn this from that Pasuk?
åàéîà ã' úáåàåú, ìôé ù"ùðé" îùîò ùðéí å"úáåàåú" îùîò ùðéí- äøé ëàï àøáò?
Question (cont.): Why do we not rather say 'four produces, seeing as "Sh'nei" means two and "Tevu'os" implies another two - making four?
åé"ì, ããøéù î"îñôø" -ãîùîò ùðé úáåàåú, åä"ì ìîëúá 'úáåàä' îùîò ùúáåàä àçøú éù òãééï.
Answer: The Gemara learns it from the word "Mispar" - which implies two produces, after which it ought to have written 'Tevu'ah', which would have implied that one produce still remained (See Avodah Berurah).
å÷ùä ìø"é, ùàôé' àðå îåðéï ìùðåú äòåìí, ðîöà â' úáåàåú áá' ùðéí ...
Question: The Ri asks that even if we count according to 'the years of the world' there will be three produces in two years ...
ëâåï ùîëø ìå áá' áúùøé ùãä îìéàä ôéøåú, ùëùéáà úùøé ùì ùðéí äáàéí ÷öø ëáø ôéøåúéå îë"è áàìåì?
Question (cont.): In a case where one sold it on the second of Tishri full of fruit, so when the following Tishri arrives, he will already have harvested the fruit from the twenty-ninth of Ellul?
åé"ì, ãùëéç èôé ùìùä úáåàåú áá' ùðéí ùàðå îåðéï îòú ìòú éåúø îùàðå îåðéï ìáøéàú òåìí.
Answer: It is more common to have three harvests in the two years that we count me'Eis le'Eis more than when we count from the creation of the world (See Avodah Berurah).
úåñ' ã"ä åáùáéòéú ðîé éòáåã
(Summary: Tosfos clarifies the statement.)
ä÷ùä äøø"é áï éåí èåá, ãäà ìà ùîòéðï îäëà àìà îòú ìòú ùì ùðä àçøåðä; àáì îòú ìòú ùì ùàø ùðéí îðìï? ...
Question: ha'Rav R. Ri ben Yom Tov asks that we can only learn from here me'Eis le'Eis of the last year; but from where do we know me'Eis le'Eis of the other years ...
àéîà ãì' éåí ùìôðé ø"ä çùéáé ùðä?
Question (cont.): Why do we not say that the thirty days before Rosh ha'Shanah are considered a year (See Avodah Berurah)?
åäùéá ìå øùá"í, ã÷øà "åáùáéòéú" âìé ìï à'ùðä àçøåðä -åäåà äãéï ìùàø ùðéí ...
Answer: The Rashbam answered him - that the Pasuk "u'va'Shevi'is teaches us the last year - and the same applies to the other years ...
ãàæìéðï áäå îòú ìòú, ãåîéà ãäðê ãëúéáé.
Answer (cont.): By them too, we go me'Eis le'Eis, similar to those by which it is written (See Avodah Berurah).