[54a - 57 lines; 54b - 54 lines]
1)[line 1]בטשה ביהBATSHAH BEI- she kicked him
2)[line 1]"ערוכה בכל ושמורה""ARUCHAH VA'KOL U'SHMURAH"- "ordered in all things and secure" (Shmuel II 23:5) - The Gemara reads these words to mean "if the Torah is set into all of the limbs of the body (speaking out loud has an effect on all of the limbs - MAHARSHA), only then is it secure.
3a)[line 9]שיננא!SHINENA!- well-learned person!
b)[line 9]פתח פומיך קריPESACH PUMEICH, KEREI- open your mouth and read
4)[line 10]דתתקיים ביך ותוריך חייD'SISKAYEM BICH V'SORICH CHAYEI- that it should be retained in you and you should live a long life
5)[line 10]"כי חיים הם למצאיהם...""KI CHAYIM HEM L'MOTZ'EIHEM..."- "For they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh" (Mishlei 4:22).
6)[line 12]למוציאיהם בפהMOTZI'EIHEM B'FEH- those that express them with their mouths
7)[line 13]חטוף ואכול חטוף ואישתיCHATOF V'ECHOL, CHATOF V'ISHTI- grab and eat, grab and drink
8)[line 14]כהלולאHILULA- a wedding
9)[line 15]אם יש לך היטב לךIM YESH LECHA, HEITEV LECHA- if you have [money], benefit yourself from it
10)[line 17]התמהמהHISMAHME'AH- tarrying
11)[line 17]חוקCHOK- rations, i.e. an inheritance
12)[line 17]בשאול מי יגיד לךBI'SHE'OL MI YAGID LACH- when you are dead, who will tell you if they still have it?
13)[line 19]הללו נוצצין והללו נובליןHALALU NOTZETZIN V'HALALU NOVLIN- these blossom, and these wither; i.e. these people grow (and their sustenance likewise increases) and these people die
14)[line 20]המהלך בדרך ואין עמו לוייהHA'MEHALECH BA'DARECH V'EIN IMO LEVAYAH- if one is traveling on the way and he has no accompaniment [and is thus in a situation of danger]. It is not clear why the Gemara is discussing this here. Perhaps it is related to the theme of speaking out loud while learning, since that theme can also be learned from the verse cited here ("When is Torah a Leviyas Chen? When one speaks it out with his throat; Anakim l'Gargeroshecha"). This is also why the Gemara returns to this verse later on the page and further elaborates on it.
15)[line 20]לוייהLEVAYAH- an escort
16)[line 21]"כי לוית חן הם לראשך וענקים לגרגרתיך""KI LIVYAS CHEN HEM L'ROSHECHA, V'ANAKIM L'GARGEROSECHA"- "for they shall be an adornment of grace for your head and chain-ornaments around your neck" (Mishlei 1:9) - This verse is referring to the words of the Torah. The word for adornment is similar to the word for escorting, and therefore the Gemara suggests that a wayfarer who walks alone should learn Torah to make up for the lack of an escort.
17)[line 25]"רפאות תהי לְשָׁרֶּךָ וְשִׁקּוּי לעצמותיך""RIF'US TEHI L'SHARECHA, V'SHIKUY L'ATZMOSECHA"- "It shall be health to your navel, and marrow to your bones" (Mishlei 3:8).
18)[line 29]לזה יפה ולזה קשהL'ZEH YAFEH UL'ZEH KASHEH- it is beneficial for one malady and detrimental for a different one
19)[line 31]"כי נעים כי תשמרם בבטנך יכונו יחדיו על שפתיך""KI NA'IM KI SISHMEREM B'VITNECHA; YIKONU YACHDAV AL SEFASECHA"- "For it is a pleasant thing if you keep them within you, let them be firmly attached to your lips" (Mishlei 22:18) - This verse refers to the words of the Torah. The Gemara suggests that the way to keep the words of the Torah within you is if they are firmly attached to your lips, i.e. they are spoken out loud.
20)[line 32]בזמן שיכונו יחדיו על שפתיךBI'ZEMAN SHE'YIKONU YACHDAV AL SEFASECHA- at the time that you arrange them (words of Torah) together on your lips [and you speak them out loud]
21)[line 32]"שמחה לאיש במענה פיו; ודבר בעתו מה טוב""SIMCHAH LA'ISH B'MA'ANEH FIV, V'DAVAR B'ITO MAH TOV"- "A man has joy in the answer of his mouth, and a word in due time, how good it is!" (Mishlei 15:23).
22)[line 33]בזמן שמענה בפיוBI'ZEMAN SHE'MA'ANEH B'FIV- at the time when the utterance [of words of Torah] is in the mouth [and spoken out loud]
23)[line 33]בזמן שדבר בעתו מה טובBI'ZEMAN SHE'DAVAR B'ITO MAH TOV- (a) at the time when a person knows how to lecture about the Halachos of the festival at the time of the festival (RASHI, first explanation); (b) at the time when one knows to answer a question in Halachah when asked (RASHI, second explanation)
24)[line 35]"תאות לבו נתתה לו, וארשת שפתיו בל מנעת סלה""TA'AVAS LIBO NASATA LO, V'ARESHES SEFASAV BAL MANATA SELA"- "You have given him his heart's desire, and have not withheld the request of his lips" (Tehilim 21:3).
25)[line 41]כענקANAK- a necklace
26)[line 41]שרף על הצוארSHE'RAF AL HA'TZAVAR- that is loose around the neck
27)[line 41]ונראה ואינו נראהV'NIR'EH V'EINO NIR'EH- and it is rarely seen
28)[line 42]"לחיו כערוגת הבשם...""LECHAYAV KA'ARUGAS HA'BOSEM..."- "His cheeks are like a bed of spices" (Shir ha'Shirim 5:13) - A person must eliminate any haughtiness like a lowly flower bed, and must teach the Torah that he learns to others like spices that give off their fragrance, in order to be assured that his Torah learning will remain with him.
29)[line 44]שאינה נמחיתSHE'EINAH NIMCHEIS- which does not become rubbed away
30)[line 49]מעלי יומא דכיפוריMA'ALEI YOMA D'CHIPUREI- Erev Yom Kippur
31)[line 50]למזיגא דרבא בריה דרב יוסף בר חמאL'MEZIGA D'RAVA BREI D'RAV YOSEF BAR CHAMA- [this tastes like] the wine diluted the way that Rava brei d'Rav Yosef bar Chama dilutes wine
32)[line 51]לא תתיב! אכרעיך!LO TESIV! A'KAR'ICH!- do not sit down, [but rather stand] on your feet! (TOSFOS Nazir 24b DH Amar)
33)[line 51]"... וממדבר מתנה""... UMI'MIDBAR MATANAH"- "... and from the wilderness they went to [a place called] Matanah" (Bamidbar 21:18).
34)[line 55]"חיתך ישבו בה""CHAYASCHA YASHVU BAH..."- "Your flock found a home in it; You, HaSh-m, prepare for the poor with Your goodness" (Tehilim 68:11) - The word for flock literally means "your animal," and the Gemara suggests that a Torah scholar must have certain qualities of wild animals.
35)[line 56]שדורסת ואוכלתSHE'DORESES V'OCHELES- that tramples [its prey] and eats (see Rashi)
36)[line 56]שמסרחת ואוכלתSHE'MASRACHAS V'OCHELES- that lets its food rot and eats it (see Rashi)
37)[last line]"נוצר תאנה יאכל פריה""NOTZER TE'ENAH YOCHAL PIRYAH"- "He who guards the fig tree shall eat its fruit" (Mishlei 27:18).
38)[last line]למה נמשלו דברי תורה כתאנה?LAMAH NIMSHELU DIVREI TORAH K'TE'ENAH?- why are words of Torah compared to the fig tree? This statement is mentioned here since it is related to the theme of reviewing what one has learned many times. This is the theme of many of the earlier Derashos, and the following Derashos. (Nir'eh v'Eino Nir'eh; Lechayav k'Even; Doreses v'Ocheles; Chavivah Kol Sha'ah.)
39)[line 1]ממשמשMEMASHMESH- probes [into]
40)[line 2]הוגהHOGEH- toils
41)[line 4]"אילת אהבים ויעלת חן דדיה יְרַוֻּךָ בכל עת; באהבתה תשגה תמיד""AYELES AHAVIM V'YA'ALAS CHEN, DADEHA YERAVUCHA B'CHOL ES; B'AHAVASAH TISHGEH TAMID"- "A loving doe and a pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy you at all times; due to her love you shall be deemed foolish always" (Mishlei 5:19).
42)[line 6]רחמה צרRACHMAH TZAR- its mid-section (lit. womb) is narrow
43)[line 16]בשוק התחתוןSHUK HA'TACHTON- the lower market
44)[line 17]וסדינו מוטלSADINO MUTAL- his cloak was laying
45)[line 18]שרףSERAF- a venomous serpent
46)[line 18]"רוכבי אתונות צחורות יושבי על מדין והולכי על דרך, שִׂיחוּ""ROCHVEI ASONOS TZECHOROS, YOSHVEI AL MIDIN, V'HOLCHEI AL DERECH, SICHU"- "You that ride on white female donkeys, you that sit on couches, and you that walk by the way, tell the tale" (Shoftim 5:10).
47)[line 24]"לא יחרוך רמיה צידו...""LO YACHAROCH REMIYAH TZEIDO..."- "The swindler shall not glimpse his prey, [but precious is the wealth of a diligent man]" (Mishlei 12:27).
48)[line 25]צייד הרמאי יחרוךTZAYAD HA'RAMA'I YACHROCH- the cunning hunter will roast [his catch] (referring to the cunning Torah scholar who reviews his learning before moving on; see Rashi)
49)[line 27]"הון מהבל ימעט, וקובץ על יד ירבה""HON ME'HEVEL YIM'AT, V'KOVETZ AL YAD YARBEH"- "Wealth from vanity will dwindle, but he who gathers by diligence will increase" (Mishlei 13:11).
50)[line 28]חבילות חבילותCHAVILOS CHAVILOS- bundles upon bundles, i.e. if he learns a large quantity at one time
51)[line 30]אנא עבדתה ואיקיים בידאיANA AVIDTAH V'IKAYEM B'YADA'I- I acted in that manner, and the Torah that I learned stayed with me
52)[line 41]להראות לו פניםL'HAR'OS LO PANIM- to teach his student how to show the reason for everything he says
53)[line 44]מסתייעא מלתיהMISTAYA MILSA- it (the teaching of the Torah) will be successful
54)[line 46]וגמרV'GAMAR- and then he would understand it
55)[line 47]בעיוה למלתא דמצוהBE'AYUHA L'MILSA D'MITZVAH- they asked him to do a matter which was a Mitzvah
56)[line 48]אסחאי לדעתאיASCHAI L'DA'ATA'I- I stopped concentrating
57)[line 48]השתא קאי מרHASHTA KAI MAR- now you are getting up to go
58)[line 48]ואתני ליךV'ASNI LACH- and I will teach it to you
59)[last line]"אמור לחכמה אחותי את ומודע לבינה תקרא""EMOR LA'CHOCHMAH ACHOSI AT, U'MODA LA'BINAH SIKRA"- "Say to wisdom, 'You are my sister,' and call understanding, 'friend'" (Mishlei 7:4).
60)[last line]עשה מודעים לתורהASEH MODA'IM LA'TORAH- make informative clues for the Torah
61)[last line]עשה מועדים לתורהASEH MO'ADIM LA'TORAH- make times for learning Torah