[79a - 47 lines; 79b - 33 lines]

1)[line 1]מאן תנא אהלות רבי יוסי היאMAN TANA OHALOS REBBI YOSI HI- The Gemara suggests that Rebbi Yosi is the Tana of the Beraisa cited, since he is known to have expressed an opinion on such a case (even though, as the Gemara immediately point out, that opinion does not concur with the one in the Beraisa!).

2)[line 8]הנח איסור שבת דאפילו ארנקי נמי מבטל אינישHANACH ISUR SHABBOS D'AFILU ARNEKI NAMI MEVATEL INISH- (lit. leave) do not bring a proof from [a case involving] Isur Shabbos, as [on Shabbos] a person will nullify even a change purse or money bag [containing money] (i.e. even something valuable since it is Muktzah)

3)[line 11]למיטיימיה קאיL'MITAIMEI KAI- is there to be filled up

4a)[line 13]לרחבוL'RACHBO- [placed across] its width

b)[line 13]לארכוL'ARCHO- [placed alongside] its length

5)[line 13]אפילו כל שהואAFILU KOL SHEHU- even a minute amount [of width for the length of four Tefachim]

6)[line 17]וזו למעלה מזו נמי לא אמרןV'ZU L'MA'ALEH MI'ZU NAMI LO AMARAN- and [that which I said that if] one porch is below the other [then they may not be joined by a four Tefach wide board] is only true

7)[line 19]גזוזטרא עקומה היאGEZUZTERA AMUKAH HI- they are together considered one porch with a deep area; the Girsa of RABENU CHANANEL is: GEZUZTERA AKUMAH HI - they are together considered one "bent" porch

8)[line 19]מתבןMASBEN- a heap of straw; haystack

9)[line 21]אלו מאכילין מכאן ואלו מאכילין מכאןEILU MA'ACHILIN MI'KAN V'EILU MA'ACHILIN MI'KAN- We do not prohibit the animals in the respective Chatzeros to eat from the haystack for fear that it will be eaten away to the point where it is no longer ten Tefachim high, leading the inhabitants of the Chatzeros to carry without an Eruv. This is because until there is a Pirtzah ten Amos wide along the entire Masben it would only be considered a Pesach, and even when two Chatzeros are connected with a Pesach they may maintain separate Eruvin. It is impossible for an animal to consume a ten-Tefach high by ten-Amah wide section of hay in one Shabbos.

10)[line 24]ובלבד שלא יתן לתוך קופתוU'VILVAD SHE'LO YITEIN L'SOCH KUPASO- as long as the owner of the animal does not himself take from the haystack and put it in his animal's feeding trough. This is either because a) the owner may indeed remove such a large section at once as to invalidate the Mechitzah (thereby leading the inhabitants of the Chatzeros to carry without an Eruv - which is an Isur d'Rabanan), while the animal only eats a bit at a time, or b) the straw is Muktzah since it was designated as a Mechitzah before Shabbos (RASHI).

11)[line 25]ולאוקמיL'UKMEI- to stand [the animal next to the haystack]

12)[line 28]על גבי מוקצהAL GABEI MUKTZAH- [he may not bring his animal to graze] on grass that was cut on Shabbos, which is Muktzah (and since an Isur d'Rabanan is not as serious as an Isur d'Oraisa in the eyes of the general population, we are more concerned that he will come to move the cut grass than we are that he will come to cut the growing grass). (For an explanation of the term Muktzah, see Background to Shabbos 45:26a.)

13)[line 29]דקאים לה באפה ואזלה ואכלהD'KA'IM LAH B'APAH V'AZLAH V'ACHLAH- [Rav Huna was allowing one to] stand in front of the animal in order to (passively) direct it to the heap of straw

14)[line 30]בית שבין שתי חצירות ומילאהו תבןBAYIS SHE'BEIN SHTEI CHATZEROS U'MIL'EHU TEVEN- that is, two houses in two different Chatzeros both opening into a house which is filled with straw. (The way that these two houses are connected to the house in the middle is through a very large opening - either the wall between them has a breach greater than 10 Amos wide, or there is no wall at all (Pirtzah b'Milu'o). When the straw is removed, the residents of the houses at either side of the storehouse are considered to be living in one large house which opens to both Chatzeros. They must therefore be members of the Eruvin in both Chatzeros. Since each of the two people in this joint house contributed to the Eruv of only one Chatzer and not the other, the Eruvin of both Chatzeros are invalidated - RITVA.)

15)[line 35]ומבטל את רשותוMEVATEL ES RESHUSO (BITUL RESHUS)

(a)In the event that the inhabitants of a courtyard did not set an Eruv Chatzeros before Shabbos, or the Eruv became invalidated in some way, carrying may still be permitted if a Bitul Reshuyos is performed. This is accomplished as follows: If none of the people in the courtyard made an Eruv, all of the inhabitants of the courtyard may nullify their domains in favor of one of the inhabitants. All of the houses/courtyards in the area are considered the private domain of the person chosen. If only some of those in the courtyard made an Eruv together, those who did not may nullify their domains in favor of the collective domain of those who made an Eruv.

(b)A Bitul Reshuyos may be performed as long as the following conditions are met:

1.The nullification must be done only in favor of a single person or collective party who made an Eruv together; 2. Those who nullified their domains may not transfer objects from their houses to the courtyard or vice versa. 3. Bitul Reshuyos only permits carrying in the courtyard and from the courtyard to the house of the persons chosen. (If only one person was chosen, only he is permitted to carry from his house to the courtyard. If a number of people who made an Eruv together are chosen, then all residents of the courtyard may carry from the houses of those who were chosen to the courtyard - Eruvin 69b.) According to some Tana'im, the ones in whose favor the Bitul was done may carry from the house/s of the Mevatel to the courtyard as well (Eruvin 26b). If one of the residents who nullified his domain transfers from his house to the courtyard or vice versa, not only has he transgressed a prohibition, but it constitutes a repeal of his nullification. It becomes once again prohibited to carry in the courtyard. (Eruvin 26a and RASHI DH Anshei Chatzer)

(c)In our Sugya, if the straw in the storehouse falls below the ten-Tefach mark on Shabbos, no one in either Chatzer may carry any longer (see above #14). One of the people who lived in one of the houses connected to the storehouse may, however, lock his house and/or be Mevatel his Reshus to the residents of the other courtyard, which will allow the residents of the two Chatzeros to carry within their respective domains. In such a scenario the one who nullified his Reshus may not carry from his house to his Chatzer.

16)[line 36]בגוב של תבןGOV SHEL TEVEN- a wide pit full of straw; the Girsa of the ARUCH is: NIV SHEL TEVEN - bundles of straw

17)[line 37]שבין ב' תחומי שבתSHE'BEIN SHNEI TECHUMEI SHABBOS- half of the straw is within 2000 Amos of one city, and the other half is within 2000 Amos of a different city. The residents of each city may take straw from that which is within their Techum.

18)[line 40]מינכרא ליה מלתאMINKERA LEI MILSA- since there is a roof above to measure the descending straw against, the one removing the straw will notice that it is approaching the ten-Tefach mark and desist. (Even according to the second understanding of the Gemara according to RASHI (see #10 above), only the last remaining ten Tefachim of straw have Muktzah status.)

19)[line 43]דמידליא תקרה טובאD'MIDALYA TIKRA TUVA- there is a large space between the ceiling and the straw

20)[line 44]מחיצות שאין מגיעות לתקרהMECHITZOS SHE'EIN MAGI'OS LA'TIKRAH- see Background to 72:4


21)[line 2]כלבודLAVUD- see Background to 76:7

22)[line 5]דיורין הבאין בשבתDIYURIN HA'BA'IM B'SHABBOS- a Reshus which comes into being on Shabbos (whether one must deal with it in terms of Eruvin is the subject of a Machlokes on 17a)

23)[line 7]?תרתיTARTEI?- [must he] both [lock his door and be Mevatel his Reshus?]

24a)[line 10]כיון דדש ביהKEIVAN D'DASH BEI- since he is accustomed (to carrying from his house into the courtyard)

b)[line 11]אתי לטלטוליASI L'TALTULEI- he might carry from his house into the courtyard (which would signify a cancellation of his Bitul Reshus)

25)[line 13]מבטלין וחוזרין ומבטליןMEVATLIN V'CHOZRIN U'MEVATLIN- see Background to 68:18

26)[line 16]אתי לאיחלופיASI L'ACHLUFEI- [in a case where the pit lies on the border of two Techumin,] a person from one Techum might take straw from the part of the pit that is in the other Techum

27)[line 22]מניח את החביתMEINI'ACH ES HA'CHAVIS- It is obvious that everyone who lives in Chatzeros off of a Mavoy may contribute towards a communal Shituf. Our Mishnah is teaching us here that this is not absolutely necessary.

28)[line 18]ומזכה להןMEZAKEH LAHEN- he transfers possession of it to them (all of the residents of the Mavoy)

29)[line 23]חבית של שיתופי מבואותCHAVIS SHEL SHITUFEI MEVO'OS- a barrel [of wine which an individual is donating to the entire Mavoy community for the purposes] of a Shituf Mevo'os

30)[line 25]סבי דפומבדיתאSAVEI D'PUMBEDESA- (lit. the elders of Pumbedisa) Rav Yehudah and his Yeshiva

31)[line 26]מלא לוגמיוMELO LUGMAV- two cheeks-full [of wine]

32)[line 29]לחיהCHAYAH- a woman after childbirth

33)[last line]אשירה סתםASHEIRAH STAM- a tree which we may assume to be an Asheirah tree (see Background to 78:23)