Eruvin Chart #2

Chart for Eruvin Daf 28b


CHAZIZ (1/3-grown grain)
(unripe dates)
(palm hearts)
1 MAY USE FOR ERUVEI TECHUMIN (1) Only garden variety (6) No (7) No Yes
2 "MA'ASER" IS GIVEN FROM IT (as above) Argued (8) No (9) Probably
3 MAY BUY WITH OF MA'ASER SHENI (3) (as above) Yes Yes Probably
4 IS METAMEI TUMAS OCHLIN (4) (as above) Yes No (10) Probably
5 ONE RECITES OVER IT "BOREI PRI HA'ADAMAH" (5) (as above) Yes (11) Argued (12) Yes




(1) This Halachah depends on whether it is fit to eat in its present form.

(2) This Halachah depends on (a) the product having completed its growth and (b) being fit to eat. (According to the opinion later in the Gemara that bitter almonds are also Chayav in Ma'aser, it is enough that the product be fit to be made edible, even though it is not at present fit to eat.)

(3) This Halachah depends on whether it is a food which is produced from another product ("Pri mi'Pri").

(4) This Halachah depends on whether it has the technical status of food ("Shem Ochel"), as TOSFOS (DH Kor) says, and if it is possible to be made edible in any manner.

(5) This Halachah depends on (a) whether the plant is planted with intention to eat this product (according to Shmuel; see footnote 15). (b) It also depends on the item having completed its growth, because if it is not yet complete, it cannot be called Pri ha'Adamah (RASHI, DH Keshus).

(6) The Gemara concludes at the beginning of 28b that one may make an Eruv Techumin with the garden variety, and Tosfos explains that the garden variety is also considered a vegetable with regard to the blessing of Borei Pri ha'Adamah. (When the student said that its blessing is "She'ha'kol," he was referring to non-garden varieties. Presumably, the garden-variety is considered food with regard to everything.)

(7) With regard to Nischani -- that is, the type of unripe date that is not going to grow any more -- everyone agrees that it may be used to make an Eruv Techumin (see footnote 8).

(8) This is an argument in the Beraisa. The Tana Kama holds that one is obligated to separate Ma'aser from Kefaniyos, and Rebbi Yehudah holds that one is exempt. This argument applies to normal Kefaniyos. With regard to Nischani -- the type of unripe date that is not going to grow any more -- everyone agrees that one is obligated to separate Ma'aser from them.

(9) This is implicit in the wording of the Beraisa, "It is like wood with regard to everything."

(10) If they were cooked, though, they are Metamei Tum'as Ochlin according to everyone.

(11) This is not stated explicitly, but it is implicit in the words of Rebbi Yehudah, "It is like a fruit with regard to everything," and we do not find that the Tana Kama argues with him on this point.

(12) This is an argument in the Beraisa between the Tana Kama and Rebbi Yehudah, and it is an argument in the Gemara between Shmuel and Rav Yehudah. The Halachah follows Shmuel, and the blessing is "She'ha'kol."