ERUVIN 74 (17 Kislev) - Today's learning is dedicated in loving memory of Professor Dr. Eugene (Mordechai ben Aharon) Heimler, on his 15th yahrzeit, by his beloved wife, Miriam Bracha. May the Zechus of the Torah being learned around the world be an Iluy for his Neshamah.
לחי או קורה or works for a מבוי that has ______ .
בתים וחצירות
בית אחד וחצר אחת
Machlokes all the above.
None of the above.
Assuming אחד גגות ואחד קרפיפות ואחד חצרות רשות אחת הן לכלים ששבתו לתוכן i.e. one can carry between all three what if I put up an Eruv?
Yes, we can still carry.
No, Gezeirah we might carry from one house into another Chatzer.
No, Gezeirah we might carry from one house into its Chatzer.
Machlokes A&B.
What about with no EIruv?
We may carry.
Machlokes A&B.
Did Shmuel end up agreeing with Rav?
Machlokes Girso.
Machlokes A&B.
If there is a Nochri at one side of a Mavoy and a Yisrael at the other side, Jews in houses with windows open to this Mavuy may not Me'arev through the windows to permit taking their Kelim through the openings to the Mavoy.