ERUVIN 91 - Dedicated by Mr. and Mrs. D. Kornfeld in honor of Dr. Zecharya Dorshav, wishing him Mazal and Berachah upon reaching the age of Gevuros. May he continue 'from strength to strength' until 120!
ERUVIN 91 - Dedicated in memory of Dr. Simcha Bekelnitzky (Simcha Gedalya ben Shraga Feibush) of Queens, New York, by his wife and daughters on his first Yahrzeit (7 Av). Well known in the community for his Chesed and Tzedakah, he will long be remembered.
R. Yehudah says, at a time of danger we used to take a Sefer Torah from Chatzer to roof, from roof to Chatzer and from Chatzer to Karfef to read from it. Why can't we bring a proof from here?
Mitzva is different.
Danger is different.
He was from Beis Shamai.
He is a Da'as Yochid.
We never prove from stories.
Keilim Shoveis in one Chatzer may be moved to another Chatzer.
Only in case of Hefsed.
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes B&C.
Keilim Shoveis in one Chatzer may be moved to another's roof.
Only in case of Hefsed.
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes B&C.
Each Chatzer makes its own Eiruv. May one move a object from Chatzer to Gag?
All agree Assur.
R' Shimon allows.
All allow.
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes B&C.
Each Chatzer doesn't make its own Eiruv. May one move a object from Chatzer to Gag?
All agree Assur.
R' Shimon allows.
All allow.
Machlokes A&B.
Machlokes B&C.
In a case of five courtyards which open both into each other and into a Mavoy, and they forgot to make an Eruv is there anywhere that one may carry?