(a)What do we learn from the Pasuk in Terumah "Orech he'Chatzer ... ve'Rochav Chamishim ba'Chamishim."
(b)What else do we learn from this phrase? How can we learn two things from the same word?
(c)One uses a rope made of Afaskima (alias Nargila). What does that mean?
(d)What is the alternative explanation - brought later in a Beraisa?
(a)We learn from the Pasuk "Orech he'Chatzer ... ve'Rochav Chamishim ba'Chamishim" - that when measuring Techum Shabbos, one should use a rope of fifty Amos. (Note: according to those who Techumin is mid'Rabanan, this Derashah can only be an Asmachta).
(b)We also learn from the same phrase - the Shi'ur of a Beis Sasayim - seventy and two thirds Amos - the square of the fifty by a hundred Amos of the courtyard of the Mishkan (where the Rabbanan forbade to carry when is was not Hukaf le'Dirah). We learn two things from the same Pasuk; one from the word 'ba'Chamishim', and the other, because otherwise, the Torah should have written "Chamishim Chamishim" (and not ba'Chamishim).
(c)Afaskima is a rope made of a creeper that grows round the palm tree.
(d)The Beraisa later says that one should use a flax rope for measuring Techumin.
(a)If the best 'rope' is one made of metal chains, why is it not used to measure the Techum?
(b)Then how will we explain the Pasuk in Yechezkel "u've'Yad ha'Ish Keneh ha'Midah"?
(c)Why did they tie the Red Heifer (prior to burning it) specifically with a reed rope?
(d)They tied a rope of 'Netzarim' above the Sotah's breasts. What are the two meanings of 'Netzarim'?
(a)The reason that a rope is used for measuring Techum Shabbos, and not a metal chain - is because of the Pasuk in Zecharyah "u've'Yado Chevel Midah" from which we see that for measuring, a rope should be used.
(b)The Pasuk in Yechezkel "u've'Yad ha'Ish Keneh ha'Midah" - refers to measuring the gateways (both Pesukim are written in connection with the Mishkan of Yechezkel - i.e. the third Beis ha'Mikdash).
(c)They specifically tied the Red Heifer (prior to burning it) with a reed rope, which is not subject to Tum'ah (and they were extremely particular about Tum'ah in all preparations of the Parah Adumah).
(d)'Netzarim' - means twined willows, or the creeper that grows round the palm-tree.
(a)What do the measurers do if they encounter a high wall whilst measuring?
(b)What does 'Makdir ve'Oleh, Makdir ve'Yored' mean?
(c)This was the method of measuring used when measuring a Gei Me'ukam. What does 've'Im Hayah Gei Me'ukam' mean?
(d)Which explanation does Rashi reject?
(a)If the measurers encounter a high wall whilst measuring - they assess its thickness and continue on the other side.
(b)'Makdir ve'Oleh, Makdir ve'Yored' means - that they use the process of measuring known as Kidur when they climb the hill (this will be explained on the next Amud), and when they descend on the other side (this will be explained in more detail on the next Amud).
(c)'ve'Im Hayah Gei Me'ukam' ... means - 'if the valley extends around the town in a way that ruls out going to the side of it and measuring from there' ... .
(d)Rashi rejects the explanation that it is a gradual incline (see Tosfos DH 've'Im')
(a)When do we measure 'a wall' (either by Havla'ah or by Kidur), and when do we just asses its width?
(b)What does 'Chut ha'Mishkoles Yored Kenegdo' mean?
(c)What will be the Din in that case?
(a)Kidur applies when the slope of the wall is a gentle one, so that it is possible to ascend it, but not when it is too steep for that. Then we merely absorb it or assess its width and continue measuring on the other side.
(b)'Chut ha'Mishkoles Yored Kenegdo' means - that the valley is so steep that the plumb-line is able to descend to the bottom of the slope (i.e. the angle of the slope is so acute that the foot of the slope is less than four Amos out from the top-edge of the precipice.
(c)In that case, one is obligated to descend to the bottom of the ravine and measure the ravine in the normal way.
(a)With regard to the Din of Mavli'a, Rav Yosef gives the maximum depth of a wadi as two thousand Amos (See the Ritva, who gives a reason for this). How does one measure, if it is deeper than that?
(b)How can Rav Yosef say that, when the Beraisa gives the maximum depth as a hundred Amos?
(c)In the second Lashon, Rav Yosef permits Havla'ah even when the wadi is more than two thousand Amos deep. How will he reconcile this with Acherim and the Rabbanan, neither of whom give that measurement?
(a)According to Rav Yosef, if the wadi is deeper than two thousand Amos - instead of Havla'ah, one is Mekader (although, considering the steep angle of the slope, it is not clear why Chazal demanded this).
(b)Rav Yosef, who gives the maximum depth of the wadi (with regard to Havla'ah) as two thousand Amos, follows the opinion of Acherim, who holds like that in another Beraisa.
(c)In the second Lashon, Rav Yosef permits Havla'ah even when the wadi is more than two thousand Amos deep - when the plumb-line reaches the bottom, whereas Acherim and the Rabbanan argue there where it does not.
(a)How does Rava differentiate between a hill or a mountain whose gradient is 10 in 24 (ten Tefachim in four Amos), and one which is 10 in 30 (ten Tefachim in five)?
(b)Rav Huna Brei de'Rav Yehoshua (using the same measurements) explains Rava more leniently. What does he say?
(a)When our Mishnah permits the measurers to 'absorb' the hill or the mountain in their path, says Rava - that is only if its gradient is 10 in 24; but if it is 10 in 30, then they are obligated to measure it normally (i.e. with the rope following the angle of the slope).
(b)According to Rav Huna Brei de'Rav Yehoshua's interpretation of Rava, Havla'ah is only necessary by a wadi whose gradient is 10 in 30, but if it is 10 in 24, then even Havla'ah is not necessary - one simply assesses the distance and continues.
(a)What size rope does one use for Kidur?
(b)How do the two measurers do Kidur?
(c)How does one measure hills with regard to Eglah Arufah and Ir Miklat?
(d)Does the fact that Ir Miklat is a matter of Piku'ach Nefesh make any difference?
(a)For Kidur - a rope of four Amos is required.
(b)The two measurers do Kidur - by the one below holding one end of the four Amah rope by his heart, and the one above, by his feet.
(c)When they measured the distance with regard to Eglah Arufah and Ir Miklat - they were obligated to measure it in the normal manner, irrespective of the gradient or the depth of the wadi. This is because they are d'Oraysa, and it is only with regard to Eruvin, which are de'Rabbanan, that the Rabbanan allowed the concessions of Havla'ah and Kidur.
(d)The fact that Ir Miklat is a matter of Piku'ach Nefesh - will make no difference whatsoever, since there is no Safek here, and the fact that the Rabbanan introduced their own leniencies to their own Dinim will not affect d'Oraysos in any way.
(a)Who is eligible to measure Techumin?
(b)What does one do if the marker at the south-east corner does not correspond with the one on the south-west?
(c)Who is believed to give testimony as to where the Techum of a town ends?
(a)Only experts are eligible to measure Techumin (according to Rashi - see Tosfos DH 'Ein' where Rabeinu Chananel explains 'Mumcheh' differently).
(b)If the marker at the south-east corner does not correspond with the one on the south-west - we assume that those who measured the shorter distance erred (Safek Eruv Lekulah), and extend it until it is adjacent with the longer one (Se Tosfos 59a DH 'le'Makom').
(c)Even a slave or a maidservant is believed to give testimony as to where the Techum of a town ends - although a minor is not.