1. What is the best way to benefit from this book?
2. Why does one tend to forget his duties? (see CS, OG)
3. How is review like stoking a fire? (SR)
4. Where do most intelligent people put their thought and interest?
5. Why don't most people devote more attention to love and fear of G-d?
6. What sort of people engage in the study of piety?
7. What do these foolish pious think piety consists of?
8. Why is it necessary to employ means and strategies to acquire them?
9. Why is the service "repulsive and despised" if not done with purity of thought? (CS,SP)
10. What causes our heart to be forgetful of fear of G-d?
11. What brings one's soul to passion to G-d?
12. What does 'Hen' mean and what does this show?
13. Into how many divisions did Moses divide the divine service and what are they?
14. What does "Walking in His ways" refer to?
15. Into how many divisions did Rabbi Pinchas ben Yair divide the divine service?
16. What benefit is there in Rabbi Pinchas ben Yair change in division?
17. What does "bring to" hint to in Rabbi Pinchas ben Yair's words? (OG) Chapter 1 - Man's Duty in the World
1. What is the foundation and root of piety?
2. For what purpose was man created?
3. What is the greatest possible pleasure that can possibly exist?
4. Why does the author say "in truth" this pleasure is in Olam Haba? (CS)
5. Why does a mitzva lead to the goal of rejoicing in G-d? (SR)
6. Why does the author bring the verse "that I may dwell in G-d's house" (Ps. 27:4)? (ER)
7. Why can't this perfect good be given directly to man without him exerting himself strenuously to acquire it? (CS)
8. Which factors draw man away from G-d?
9. Why is this? (CS)
10. What is the foundation and root of piety?
11. Why is man in the midst of a raging battlefield?
12. What is meant by the battle being from the front and back?
13. To what extent will one attain clinging to G-d in the afterlife?
14. Why did the stones of the place desire Jacob to place his head on them?
15. Why is this world compared to a place and time of preparation?
16. What does the author argue from the verse "the days of our life are 70 years, and if by strength, 80 years, yet their span is labor and trouble" (Ps.90:10).
17. What does he argue from the verse: "the soul will not be filled" (Koheles 6:7)?
18. What analogy does he make regarding a common peasant who married the king's daughter?
19. When will the soul love and cherish this world? (SR)
20. How is a purpose generally achieved?
21. What is the analogy to the merchants of gold and precious stones?
22. When should the pleasures of this world be used?
23. To what purpose should one's great or small actions have?
24. What should he do regarding the things he deems detrimental to this purpose? Chapter 2 - The Trait of Watchfulness
1. What is watchfulness?
2. Why does reason obligate watchfulness?
3. Why does lack of watchfulness make one worse than animals?
4. How is such a person like a blind man strolling on the edge of the river?
5. Why did Jeremiah compare his contemporaries to a horse rushing into the battle.
6. What is the evil inclination's strategy regarding this?
7. What would happen if the people would put their ways to heart?
8. What was Pharaoh's advice.
9. What is the difference between a hunter of deer and birds? (CS)
10. Why is divine help crucial for proper watchfulness? Chapter 3 - Divisions of Watchfulness
1. Why does the author use the word "want" in "he who wants to watch over himself"? (ER)
2. What is the first of the two matters to investigate for watchfulness?
3. What is the second?
4. How does this apply in the act of doing?
5. How does this apply not in the act of doing?
6. Is it better for a person to be born?
7. What two pieces of advice do the sages give after the fact of being born?
8. Why is the second compared to a garment?
9. How frequently should one "weigh his ways"?
10. Who are the "rulers" and what advice to they give?
11. In what 2 ways does darkness cause a man to err?
12. In what way does the physicality cause darkness to the intellect?
13. What does the analogy of the labyrinth teach us?
14. What is the summary of all the matter brought in the end of this chapter?
15. What does "Weigh the path of your feet" refer to? (SR)
16. Why should the beginner not be afraid of starting the arduous task of "Watchfulness"? (OG)
17. What is the darkness in the verse "Who forms the light and creates darkness; making peace and creating evil. I G-d do all these things" Isaiah 45:6-7? (OG)
18. What do we learn from the temporary nature of night? (OG) Chapter 4 - Acquiring Watchfulness
1. What brings one generally to watchfulness?
2. What brings one in particular to watchfulness?
3. How are those of wholeness of understanding roused to watchfulness?
4. What will happen to them if they do not apply full force in the means?
5. How is this like having a sick man in one's house? (ER)
6. How are those of lesser understanding roused to watchfulness?
7. Why is the burning of the canopy in the afterlife not jealousy?
8. According to what criteria are levels allocated in the World to Come?
9. What is the rationalization of the simpletons who seek to lighten the burden on themselves?
10. What fills these people with pain and cause their blood to boil inside them?
11. Why is jealousy, in essence, a virtue of the soul? (ER)
12. Why will their suffering in this regard be far greater in the afterlife than here?
13. Why will this incitement not leave them throughout their lives?
14. What is "your power" in the verse "Whatever your hand finds to do with your power..."?
15. How are the general masses primarily roused to "Watchfulness"?
16. What examples of depth of judgment does he draw from Yosef?
17. What verse made Rabbi Yochanan weep?
18. What is this coming to teach us? (ER)
19. What do we learn from the verse "For all His ways are justice" (Deut. 32:4)?
20. What three conditions would be proper for the sinner according to strict justice?
21. How does the attribute of mercy reverse these three matters? Chapter 5 - Detriments of Watchfulness
1. What three main things are detrimental to watchfulness?
2. What is the difference between "loss and distancing"? (SR)
3. How does involvement in worldly affairs detriment watchfulness?
4. What is the remedy the sages commanded for this?
5. Why is this "the most essential of all things for the acquisition of watchfulness"?
6. What 3 points does he emphasize regarding the evil inclination? (SP)
7. What analogy of the doctors does the author bring?
8. What is meant by "would that it were that they abandoned Me but kept My Torah"?
9. How do the fixed daily times cause some to waste time? (SR)
10. What is the second detrimental factor?
11. How is he like one immersed in a great sea?
12. How is he like a drunkard or a madman?
13. Why is laughter the opposite of watchfulness?
14. How is laughter like a shield smeared with oil?
15. Why does levity bring sufferings?
16. What is the third detrimental factor?
17. What two ways of influence comes from bad company? (CS)
18. What is the difference between fools and sinners in this context? (ER)
19. "a person's mind should always be associated with his fellow men" (Ketuvot 17a) - what to reply?
20. What is the remedy to bad company?
21. What is "vanities of the time"? (hevlei hazman) (CS)
22. If someone mocks him while doing divine service what should he tell himself?
23. What did King David speak of before kings and what do kings usually talk about?
24. How does the first detrimental factor quickly lead to the other two? (OG) Chapter 6 - The Trait of Zeal
1. What does the verse "turn from evil and do good" have to do with zeal?
following watchfulness?
2. Why does it require great cleverness and foresight to acquire the Mitzvot?
3. What are the two types of evil inclination? (CS)
4. How is the lazy person related to a destroyer?
5. What happens to the field of a lazy man?
6. What is the first stage of the lazy person's downfall?
7. What causes a person to disregard his duty to G-d after having clearly understood it?
8. If you ask the lazy person about his behavior what will he answer?
9. What is the fundamental principle in the art of separation?
10. Why are Watchfulness and Zeal divided into two traits? After all, the power which prevents a man from fulfilling the Mitzvot (the evil inclination) is the same power that entices him to commit sins. Chapter 7 - Divisions of Zeal
1. What are the two divisions of Zeal?
2. What is the great danger in delaying a mitzva?
3. What do we learn from the coronation of Shlomo?
4. Who are these "prosecutors" referred by king David? (OG)
5. What did the sages expound from the verse "you shall watch over the Matzot"?
6. Why should one run to do a mitzva? two reasons. (ER)
7. What happens in the future to one who strives for Zeal here?
8. Is this only for Zeal? (ER)
9. Why should one hasten to complete a mitzva?
10. What is most desired in the service of G-d?
11. What advice does Rabeinu give for awakening inner fire?
12. Which Sefira is connected to Zeal and how does it work to generate inner zeal? Chapter 8 - Acquiring Zeal
1. What are the primary means through which Zeal is acquired? (CS)
2. What things may intensify Zeal?
3. What wonders does the poor man see in his situation?
4. What else besides looking at benefits rouses one to Zeal?
5. Why are so few words dedicated to examining the beneficence of G-d? (SR)
6. What will arouse those of Wholeness of Understanding?
7. What will arouse those of lesser understanding?
8. What will arouse the masses?
9. What is the primary path to acquire the various successive levels? (Nefesh Hamesila)
10. Why does the Ramchal make no mention of gratitude in Watchfulness?
Chapter 9 - Detriments of Zeal
1. Generally, what factors diminish Zeal?
2. What happens to one who habituates himself in the practices of leisure and tranquility?
3. For what was a man placed in this world?
4. What is the manner of soldiers in wartime and what relevance to Zeal?
5. How is the service of G-d more demanding than soldiers in war? (SR)
6. When will one find the service easy?
7. What fears are detrimental to Zeal?
8. What is the remedy for one plagued by fears?
9. When is trust in G-d not appropriate?
10. What type of fear is appropriate?
11. What is the foolish type of fear?
12. When is it appropriate to strive to protect oneself?
13. What do we learn from the Midrash about the lazy man afraid of lions?
14. Why is it easy to see the truth of this matter?
15. Why should Zeal follow Watchfulness?
Chapter 10 - The Trait of Cleanliness
1. What is the trait of Cleanliness?
2. Why do people rationalize that certain sins are permitted?
3. Does the Clean person never sin? (CS)
4. What is the vision like of one who has attained Cleanliness?
5. Who were the "clean-minded of Jerusalem"?
6. What is the distinction between the Watchful and Clean man?
7. Why does working on one's midot (character traits) only done after attaining Watchfulness and Zeal?
8. Why is Cleanliness necessary before appearing before G-d?
9. Why is Cleanliness so difficult?
10. Why is everyone guilty of forms of slander?
11. What was the source of King David's strong confidence in war?
12. Why is Cleanliness a very high level of achievement?
Chapter 11 - The Particulars of Cleanliness
1. What are the particulars of Cleanliness?
2. Which sins does the Evil Inclination present more rationalizations?
3. What else is included in the prohibition of theft besides the well known deed of theft?
4. Why did Rabbi Yehuda forbid distribution of roasted nuts? Why did the other Sages allow it?
5. Can a hired worker take time for himself during his work?
6. Can one do a mitzva during his work time?
7. What happens to the mitzva then?
8. Why did Job not have theft in his hands?
9. What is Onaah?
10. How should one present his merchandise and how should he not?
11. Why must a wholesaler wipe his weights every 30 days?
12. Why does cleanliness in theft make one confident and without fear?
1. In what aspect are forbidden relations second to theft.
2. How do we know that all that draws one close to forbidden relations is included in the prohibition?
3. What do we learn from the safeguards iof the mitzva of Nazir?
4. How do we know gazing at a woman for pleasure is forbidden?
5. How do we know excessive speech with a woman is forbidden?
6. What troubles befall Israel for obscene speech?
7. How do we know listening to obscene speech is forbidden?
8. What does the evil inclination tell someone about obscene speech?
9. What should one answer him?
10. why are bad thoughts so damaging? (Nefesh HaChaim)
1. Why does forbidden foods require great meticulousness and strengthening?
2. Why does forbidden foods cause the holiness of G-d to withdraw from a person?
3. Why are forbidden foods worse in this regard than all other sins?
4. How do we know even the kosher animals (Treifot) also have this Tuma?
5. How much more than half must the animal windpipe be cut to be a kosher slaughter?
6. How should a sensible person view forbidden foods?
7. How would a sensible person view someone who was lenient regarding eating poison?
1. What is the sin of oppression of speech (Onas Devarim)?
2. What constitutes oppression of speech to a Baal Teshuva (penitent)?
3. What is the punishment for one who shames his neighbor publicly?
4. Is this only for a one time sin? (ER)
5. What do we learn from the fact that G-d Himself exacts payment for Onas Devarim? (CS)
1. What is meant by "you shall not put a stumbling block before the blind"?
2. How do we know the Torah is referring to wise deceivers?
3. What is the punishment for misleading others with bad advice?
4. How should the upright man act when someone asks him for advice?
5. What should one do if he anticipates personal loss from the good advice?
6. When is giving misleading advice permitted?
1. Why do all stumble in the "dust" of slander?
2. What is talebearing? (CS)
3. What is slander (lashon hara)?
4. What is the "dust" of slander?
5. What is the general principle of what is included in the sin of slander?
6. Why is one who speaks evil speech like one who denies G-d? (ER)
1. Why are hatred and vengeance difficult for human beings to escape from?
2. Why is revenge sweeter than honey?
3. Who is mighty and courageous?
4. What is taking vengeance?
5. What is bearing a grudge?
6. What example argument does the Yetzer suggest to one who did not want to give you when you were in need?
7. What remedy did the Torah give for all the arguments of the Yetzer?
1. When is Yes an Oath?
2. What is taught by "a just Hin shall you have" (Bava Metzia 49a)
3. what does the shulchan aruch rule on "yes, yes"? (ER)
4. Why is speaking truth in one's heart a branch of taking a false oath? (NE)
1. What characterizes the first group of liars?
2. What characterizes the second group of liars?
3. What characterizes the third group of liars?
4. What do we learn from the wording of the verse "keep far from falsehood"?
5. What does the seal of G-d being truth teach us?
6. Why is falsehood an abomination to G-d?
7. Why is the harsh term abomination applied? (SR)
8. What does the verse teach us: "surely they are My people, sons that will not lie" (Isaiah 63:8)
9. What was the story of Rav Safra?
10. What does the Ramchal mean by "obligation" if this is not legally binding? (OG)
11. Why did the angel of death regain dominion over a certain town and what did they do to restore tranquility?
1. In everything one does, what should he do first to avoid profanity of G-d's Name?
2. Why is it one and the same whether one acts in error or deliberately? (ER)
3. What constitutes profanation of G-d's Name according to Rabbi Yochanan?
4. What may people say if Rav did not pay the butcher at once. (ER)
5. What is honor to the Torah?
6. Can one exempt himself from Torah study arguing that this will diminish the profanation of G-d's Name?
1. How do we know Shevut is an important principle?
2. What is especially difficult on the masses to guard from?
3. Where is this prohibition explained?
4. What is the general principle therein?
5. Give 2 examples of prohibitions in this respect.
1. How does speaking between Yitshtabach and Yotzer affect one halachically?
2. How does this last point show us just how far must one attain cleanliness in deeds?
1. Why is cleanliness in the character traits harder than in the deeds?
2. What does the term "almost more difficult" come to teach us? (ER)
3. What are the four primary evil traits?
4. How are they evil in their consequences?
5. What does scripture warn regarding arrogance?
6. How do our sages tell us to regard an angry person?
7. what 3 traits drive a person out of the world?
8. What is the common denominator of the 3 traits of evil? (Daas Chochma U'Mussar)
1. What is arrogance?
2. When is a person in danger of falling into arrogance?
3. How does the person who considers himself "uniquely distinguished" conduct himself?
4. What does the house of straw parable teach us?
5. What would happen if a man were capable of perceiving the truth?
6. What is the idol one is worshipping in anger? (OG)
7. Why must the war of the yetzer be a total war? (OG)
1. What is the first and most severe angry type of persons?
2. To what is he similar to and why?
3. What is meant by "tears his soul" (Arizal)
4. What is the second angry type?
5. Which of the 4 categories in pirkei avot does he fit in?
6. Why is he "far" from the first type of angry persons? (SR)
7. What is this third angry type?
8. Why is this person not even on the level of Watchfulness?
9. What is the fourth type?
10. How long does his anger last?
11. Why is he worthy of praise?
12. On what does the earth hang on?
13. What four points does Rabeinu make on this fourth class? (CS)
14. What is the fifth type, the trait of Hillel?
15. Which type constitutes Cleanliness? (SP)
16. How should one rebuke a son or student?
17. What two main points differentiate the angry types? (NH)
1. Why is jealousy ignorance?
2. Why does the habitually jealous not enjoy what he has?
3. Is jealousy due to honor or lust? (ER)
4. What is the second level of jealousy common to most people?
5. When is the second group especially jealous?
6. What knowledge would cure this group from jealousy?
7. What does the prophet foretells us about jealousy in the future era?
8. What is the status of angels regarding jealousy?
1. How does lust for money weary a man's heart till his final day?
2. Why does a person who lusts for money never attain even half his desire? (ER)
3. What are the two main branches of lust?
4. What about lust for women and food? (CS)
5. What binds a person in the shackles of this world and why?
6. Why are so many prayers lost due to this lust? (ER)
7. What is even more difficult than lust for money and why?
8. What did G-d say to Yeravam and what was his reply?
9. What caused Korach's destruction?
10. What did the spies fear that led to their downfall?
11. What is the most powerful drive in a man?
12. How would a man live his life without this drive?
13. Why does a man put himself under such financial pressure?
14. What does idleness lead to?
15. Why is is impossible to be a servant of G-d all the time one is concerned for his own honor?
16. What is true honor?
1. Why is attaining Cleanliness more in the thought than in the doing?
Chapter 12 - Acquiring Watchfulness
1. What is the true means of acquiring Cleanliness?
2. Why does one need thorough knowledge of Halacha?
3. Why must one also study the books of mussar?
4. What is the "wellspring of truth"? (OG)
5. What factors are detrimental to Cleanliness? Chapter 13 - The Trait of Separation
1. Why does Separation precede Piety?
2. What is the general principle of Separation?
3. What is the intent in Separation?
4. What 3 levels of evil are there?
5. What is meant by the verse "all that my eyes desired I did not deprive them" (Kohelet 2:10)?
6. who does the verse "the righteous man eats to sate his soul" refer to and why?
7. What did Rebbi say on his deathbed?
8. What should a man do before praying that the words of Torah enter him?
9. How do we reconcile the contradictory teachings on Separation?
10. What sin does overeating draw in its wake?
11. What happens to one who habituates himself in filling his belly?
12. What would have spared him from all this?
13. Why should one who sees a Sotah make a Nazirite vow? (ER)
14. How does on keep the lusts satisfied?
15. What does fancy clothing lead to?
16. What does the yetzer say when seeing a person drawn into this?
17. Why should a person practicing Separation be deemed praiseworthy?
18. What then is the good type of Separation?
19. If Separation is so essential why did the sages not decree it?
20. What do we learn from the four species of the lulav regarding this?
21. What is the bad sort of Separation?
22. What is the general criteria of Separation? Chapter 14 - The Divisions of Separation
1. How many divisions of Separation are there?
2. What is Separation relating to pleasures?
3. What is Separation in the laws?
4. What did Yechezkel say of himself regarding eating meat?
5. What did Mar Ukba say of himself regarding eating meat after milk and why?
6. What is Separation in conducts?
7. What is the purpose of this?
8. What is meant by "a sword is upon the boasters (baddim)"?
9. What else is included in this type of Separation?
10. Why did the Ramchal state the divisions of Separation as short general principles?
Chapter 15 - Acquiring Separation
1. What is the best way to acquire Separation?
2. What inclines one's nature towards the worldly pleasures?
3. What is the main thing a person need to teach his intellect regarding the enticements of the eyes?
4. What should one tell himself regarding food pleasures?
5. What happens when one habituates himself and continuously reflects on this truth?
6. Why is seclusion so important?
7. Why did the ancient sages pursue solitude?
8. On what must one be extremely cautious in Separation?
9. What happens to one's nature when he habituates himself in Separation?
10. Is attaining Separation easy? (OG) Chapter 16 - The Trait of Purity
1. What is Purity?
2. What should one have intent for in bodily and material deeds?
3. What is purity of the bodily deeds?
4. What is purity of thought in the good deeds?
5. What requires deeper analysis and greater work in purity?
6. What happened with Rabbi Chanina ben Teradyon's daughter which illustrates this?
7. What do we learn from the flour offerings in the temple below?
8. Does G-d refrain rewardring imperfect deeds? If so, what is the Ramchal referring to?
9. What will a true servant of G-d not be satisfied with? Rather what will he strive for?
10. What is the criteria through which the servants of G-d are differentiated?
11. What is the primary importance before G-d regarding the performance of a Mitzva?
12. Why is everything meaningless without the heart? Chapter 17 - The Divisions of Purity
1. When will attaining purity become easy?
2. When will he come to despise physical pleasures?
3. Why are the physical pleasures "evils and lackings"? (ER)
4. What are the two divisions of purity of thought?
5. What will follow when one is clean of striving for praise of others?
6. How should one prepare himself before prayer?
7. What did the early pious men do before prayer?
8. What three factors are detrimental to attaining purity?
9. What do the first two do?
10. How does insufficient preparation pollute the divine service? Chapter 18 - The Trait of Piety
1. why does piety require a great explanation?
2. What does the error in this trait stem from?
3. What do the masses think piety consists of?
4. What are the foundations of Piety?
5. What is the root of piety?
6. How does a son act towards his father that he loves?
7. What general principle do we learn from this?
8. What will the pious say instead of "it is enough for me what was stated explicitly"?
9. How is piety related to Separation?
10. What are the three types of Am Haaretz? (OG) Chapter 19 - The Divisions of Piety
1. How many primary divisions of piety are there and what are they?
2. what does the pious increase regarding the mitzvot between man and G-d?
3. What is piety between man and his fellow?
4. What is piety between man and his fellow regarding his fellow's body?
5. What is piety between man and his fellow regarding his fellow's possessions?
6. What is piety between man and his fellow regarding his fellow's soul?
7. What does "pursue peace" mean?
8. What kind of piety do we see from the kidush of Rabbi Zakai?
9. What do the pious do extra regarding honoring oneself through the degradation of one's fellow?
10. What were Rabbi Zeira's practices?
11. Why is kindness of primary importance in chasidut?
12. What does the Torah begin and end with?
13. Why are acts of kindness greater than charity?
14. How is chesed greater than charity?
15. How will he who has mercy on others be judged?
16. How is this justice?
17. What will happen to he who is not willing to overlook transgressions against him?
18. What did king David pray on this and why?
19. How does the Chasid treat animals?
20. what must be always fixed in the heart of the Chasid?
1. what are the two pillars of true service of G-d?
2. What is the primary aspect of fear of G-d?
3. What must a person must think when he is engaged in prayer or performing a mitzva?
4. what is the first thing one must contemplate to arrive at fear?
5. What is the second?
6. What is the third?
7. What will happen when he contemplate these things properly?
8. Why is it easier for the angels to fear G-d?
9. What happens to his limbs after the fear has taken hold?
10. Why is this fear not all the time? (ER)
1. what do we learn from the verse "this is my G-d, and I will beautify Him" (Shemot 15:2)?
2. How much must one spend on beautifying a Mitzvah?
3. What do those who wish to lighten on themselves claim regarding this?
4. How does the prophet Malachi rebuke the Jews regarding bringing a blind animal?
5. What do we learn from the mitzva of Bikurim (first fruits)?
6. How do we know honoring the Sabbath is a mitzva?
7. What would Rav Nachman bar Isaac think when carrying things for the Sabbath preparation?
8. What logical argument does Rabeinu give for our duty to honor and esteem G-d's commandments?
9. Why is this sort of fear near to the intense love of G-d?
10. What do we learn from the prohibition of fixing a meal before the Sabbath?
11. Why did Achav merit to be king for 22 years?
12. What honor is require for uttering words of Torah?
13. What honor is required for Torah scholars?
14. What did Rebbi Zeira do when he was weak from his studies?
15. What is the general principle of how one should act in a synagogue?
1. What is the matter of love of G-d?
2. How is this comparable to the love of an only child?
3. Why will he who truly loves G-d not forgo His service for any reason in the world?
4. What verses does Rabeinu bring to describe the intense love of G-d of the Pious men of old?
5. In what way should the love of G-d be similar to a child's love of his father?
6. When is this love tested?
7. What two understandings must one realize to deal with sufferings of this world?
8. How are the men of understanding like brave generals?
1. What is the matter of clinging to G-d?
2. When should one be in such a state of clinging to G-d?
3. What happened to Rabbi Chanina ben Dosa?
4. Where does the Torah exhort on this clinging?
5. What do we learn from the account of Shechem ben Chamor regarding here?
1. On what should one rejoice when he stands in prayer?
2. Why is this the true joy?
3. What do we learn from the verse "The King has brought me into His chambers; we will be glad and rejoice in You"?
4. Why did David's lips move on their own?
5. What did David see and pray for during the construction of the temple?
1. What is jealousy for G-d?
2. What did the sages decree regarding one who fails to rebuke another?
3. Why were the sages of Israel like a deer during a heat wave?
4. What did G-d say to them?
5. What did G-d tell Iyov regarding the wicked?
1. Why is the motive of obtaining the reward of the world to come not the best motive?
2. What is the best motive?
3. When will this motive come?
4. What does Tana D'Bei Eliyahu say on this?
5. Why will he long for the redemption?
6. What is the answer to he who claims "who am I to pray for the redemption"?
7. What do we learn from the verse "it is Zion; no one is inquires after her"?
8. Why does the raising of the honor of G-d depend on the raising of Israel?
1. In what two ways does the Chasid bring good to his generation?
2. What is meant by "is there a tree" (Bamidbar 13:20)?
3. When was Gavriel allowed to enter behind the heavenly curtain?
4. Who does G-d love?
5. What did the "great shepherds of Israel" do?
6. Why are the high priests not blameless for the accidental murders?
7. What do we learn from Eliyahu's not appearing before Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi for 3 days?
Chapter 20 - Weighing of Piety
1. Why is there great danger in the weighing of Piety?
2. What 3 conditions are necessary to do the weighing of Piety correctly?
3. What is likely to happen to the Chasid if he does not do these 3 conditions?
4. Why must one not judge Chasidut on superficial appearance?
5. How is the story Gedalyah an example of error in judgment?
6. Why is it a mitzva to not say what will not be heeded?
7. Why did the Shechina strike at the Levites?
8. Which practices should one do and which to not do before the common masses?
9. What main criteria does the Chasid look at when deciding whether or not to do a deed?
10. What does the story of Rebbi Tarfon teach us?
Chapter 21 - Acquiring Piety
1. What should one contemplate in order to experience fear before G-d?
2. What should one contemplate in order to desire to reciprocate back to G-d?
3. Why does the study of Tehilim bring one to Chasidut?
4. What are the detriments to Chasidut?
5. Why are the physical pleasures and indulgences opposite to Chasidut?
6. What can protect a person from worries and preoccupations?
7. What two sayings of our sages must one keep in mind regarding trust?
8. What tax has been imposed on the human race?
9. Why does one's efforts (Hishtadlut) not help? (CS)
10. What then is the true path to take in this?
Chapter 22 - The Trait of Humility
1. What is the general matter of Humility?
2. How many main divisions of Humility are there?
3. What will happen to one who tries to practise the ways of the humble without attaining Humility in thought?
4. What is Humility in thought?
5. Why is there no room for a sage to pride himself on his wisdom?
6. What duty is incumbent on the strong man?
7. Why did G-d desire and choose the Jewish people?
8. What should one who has no deficiency other than being flesh and blood reflect on to humble himself?
9. How are we like paupers?
10. What happens to a great pious man who makes his request depend on his own merit?
11. What do we learn from this?
12. Why does all the aforementioned not apply to us orphans of orphans?
13. How should the humble speak?
14. How should the humble walk?
15. What is humility regarding sitting?
16. Why did Rabbi Abahu no longer consider himself humble?
17. Why did Yosef die before his brothers?
18. Why is Rabannut (rulership) such a great burden?
19. Why does honor pain the humble man?
20. Why did the 24,000 disciples of Rabbi Akiva die?
21. Rabeinu explained the main divisions of Humility. What does he say are the particulars (details) of Humility?
Chapter 23 - The Trait of Humility
1. What actions constitute the work of Humility in "habit"?
2. What is meant by "a man should always be cunning in the fear of heaven" in this context?
3. What did Akavia ben Mehalelel say?
4. Why are these thoughts counter to arrogance and foster humility?
5. How is this similar to a pig-herder?
6. What will the heavenly beit din say to the arrogant person?
7. What will happen to one's pride if he contemplates his entering the heavenly Beit Din?
8. What is the contemplation on the many changes over time that we see frequently?
9. What is the contemplation on one's obligations to G-d?
10. What is the chief detriment to Humility?
11. What do we learn from a pitcher with only a few coins in it?
12. What happened to Yoash?
13. What happens to most people of power?
14. What is the remedy for this problem?
Chapter 24 - The Fear of Sin
1. Why must Fear of Sin be an important and fundamental matter?
2. Why is it difficult to attain?
3. What are the names of the three types of fear?
4. What is fear of punishment?
5. What is fear of G-d's exaltedness (yirat haromemut)?
6. How is fear of G-d's exaltedness attained?
7. What does when experience when imbued with this fear?
8. When does this fear come?
9. What is the difference between "Fear of G-d's exaltedness" and "Fear of Sin"?
10. Where does the Dinur river of fire spring forth and why?
11. What did Eliphaz say to Iyov regarding Fear of Sin?
12. What was Moshe worried about when he anointed Aharon?
13. What do we learn from "do not fear" told to Avraham?
14. Why was this fear easy for Moshe to attain?
Chapter 25 - Acquiring Fear of Sin
1. What two truths must one know to acquire "fear of sin"?
2. When will this fear come of itself?
3. What is inscribed in a book?
4. How can this picture of G-d's presence be formed well in a person's mind?
5. What is the greatest detriment to the Fear of Sin?
6. What do we learn from the Torah commandment to the king?
7. When will the truth that the Divine presence (Shechina) is present everywhere be fixed in a person's mind?
Chapter 26 - The Trait of Holiness
1. Why is the matter of Holiness dual?
2. What is the exertion mentioned?
3. What gift will G-d give him in this?
4. What happens to the physical deeds of the man sanctified with the holiness of his Creator?
5. What is the difference between the Pure man and the Holy man regarding physical activities?
6. What is the food of the holy man like?
7. How are the holy men just like the temple and the altar?
8. What is the general principle of Holiness?
9. What preconditions are necessary before this?
10. When will a spirit from on high pour upon him?
11. What aids in acquiring Holiness?
12. What is detrimental to Holiness?
13. What is Ruach HaKodesh?
14. What is Revival of the Dead?
15. Why did the Ramchal not say all there is to say on the principles of Piety?
16. Why is Piety applicable even to a lowly laborer?