[18a - 47 lines; 18b - 21 lines]

1)[line 1]ואותביה בכיסתיהV'OSVEI B'CHISESEI- and he placed it in his pocket

2)[line 1]תיפייסTIFAYEIS- she will be appeased

3)[line 2]לא מקדים אינש פורענותא לנפשיהLO MAKDIM INISH PUR'ANUSA L'NAFSHEI- a person does not bring, prematurely, tribulation to himself

4)[line 4]ולא מטוV'LO MATU- and they do not arrive

5)[line 6]הנהו קלא איתלהוH ANHU, KALA IS LEHU- these (Gitin) are well known (lit. have a voice) [to have been written on a different date than when they were handed over]

6)[line 7]מאימתי מונין לגט?ME'EIMASAI MONIN L'GET? - From when do we count [the obligatory three-month separation period] when a Get is given?

A woman is required to wait three months after being divorced before she may remarry another man. This decree was enacted in order to prevent any doubts from arising concerning the identity of the father of her child.

7)[line 9]שתי נשים בחצר אחתSHTEI NASHIM B'CHATZER ACHAS- two wives of the same man who live in the same courtyard and were divorced at the same time (but yet, according to Shmuel, are permitted to remarry second husbands only at different times)

8)[line 14]ונשתההV'NISHTAHEH- and he lingered

9)[line 16]ולגט ישןGET YASHAN - (lit. an old Get") a bill of divorce given after the date that appears in it, on which it was written and signed

When a man writes a Get for his wife and secludes himself with her before giving her the Get, Beis Shamai and Beis Hillel argue as to whether he is permitted to use this Get to divorce her or not (Mishnah Gitin 79b). Beis Hillel prohibits using this Get, since the date on the Get (which is earlier than the date of the actual divorce) may cause people to think that the divorce occurred earlier, and that any offspring that were conceived between the time of the writing of the Get and the time that it was actually used were born out of wedlock. Beis Shamai does not consider this is a cause for concern (Gemara ibid.)

10)[line 17]המשלישHA'MASHLISH- one who gives a Get to an agent (a third party), telling him to give the Get to his wife only after a certain period of time has passed (or a certain condition fulfilled)

11)[line 24]מאימתי כתובה משמטת?ME'EIMASAI KESUVAH MISHAMETES? (SHEMITAS KESAFIM) - From what point does the money of the Kesuvah owed by the husband to his former wife become officially recognized as a "debt," such that the Shemitah year will cancel it?

(a)The Torah requires that all loans shall be canceled every seventh year, as it states in Devarim 15:2, "Shamot Kol Ba'al Masheh Yado" - "Every creditor who lends anything to his neighbor shall release it." To demand payment of a loan after the Shemitah year is a violation of the prohibition of "Lo Yigos Es Re'ehu v'Es Achiv" - "he shall not exact it of his neighbor or of his brother" (ibid.). Most Rishonim rule that the Shemitah year cancels loans at the end of the year, on the last day of the month of Elul. (RAMBAM Hilchos Shemitah v'Yovel 9:1-4)

(b)Hashmatas Kesafim applies mid'Oraisa only when the Yovel year is in practice. Mid'Rabanan it applies today, both inside and outside of Eretz Yisrael.

12a)[line 25]משתפגוםMISHE'TIFGOM- from the time that she collects part of it (lit. from when she blemishes it)

b)[line 25]ותזקוףTIZKOF- she places [the outstanding debt of the Kesuvah] upon him as a loan

13)[line 31]אונסONES

If a man rapes a girl (between the ages of 12 and 12 1/2, according to Rebbi Meir, or 3 and 12 1/2, according to the Chachamim; Kesuvos 29a), he must pay her father a fine of fifty Shekalim, as stated in Devarim (22:28). This amount is the equivalent of a dowry (Kesuvah). The man must also marry the girl and never divorce her, if the girl wishes to be his wife.

14)[line 31]וקנסKENAS (MOTZI SHEM RA)

If a man marries a Na'arah (12 year old girl who has attained physical maturity) who is a Besulah (a virgin who was never married in the past) and, after the Chupah is performed, he falsely accuses her of committing adultery and losing her virginity prior to the Chupah, he receives Malkus (lashes) for his slanderous speech (Devarim 22:18). He must also give her father 100 Shekalim and never divorce her against her will (ibid. 22:19).

15)[line 31]ופיתויPITUY

If a man seduces a girl (between the ages of 12 and 12 1/2), and the girl or her father refuses to let him marry her, or if the man chooses not to marry her, he must give the father of the girl fifty Shekalim. If he chooses to marry her and they consent, the man is not obligated to pay anything to the girl or her father at the time of the marriage. If he later divorces her, he must give her the dowry (Kesuvah) of a virgin upon her divorce (Shemos 22:16).

16)[line 34]משעת העמדה בדיןMI'SHE'AS HA'AMADAH B'DIN- from the time that they stand in court

17)[line 35]כמעשה בית דיןK'MA'ASEH BEIS DIN- like a verdict passed by Beis Din

18)[line 37]כתובתיה דרבי חייא בר רבKESUVASEI D'REBBI CHIYA BAR RAV- the Kesuvah of the marriage of Rebbi Chiya bar Rav

19)[line 40]עסוקין באותו ענין הווASUKIN B'OSO INYAN HAVU- they were still involved in the matter

20)[last line]לאלתרL'ALTAR- [if the Get was signed] immediately [after being written]


21a)[line 10]בי תרי מינייהוBEI TREI MINAIHU- a pair (of two) from them

b)[line 10]ואינךV'INACH- and the others [i.e. the other eight people]