
MUST THE SHALI'ACH RECOGNIZE THE NAMES? (Yerushalmi Perek 1 Halachah 1 Daf 2a)

בעא קומי ר' יוחנן צריך שיהא מכיר שמותן של עדים בשעת חתימתן.


Question (to R. Yochanan): Must [a Shali'ach for a Get from Chutz la'Aretz] recognize the names of the witnesses at the time they sign?

אמר לון (עכו"ם לוקין) [צ"ל גייס ולוקין - ספר ניר] חתומין עליו. [דף ב עמוד ב] ואתם אמרין אכין.


Answer (R. Yochanan): Mere scratches are signed on them, and you say so (that they must recognize the names)?!


Mishnah 4:3 says that there was an enactment was that witnesses sign on a Get, i.e. that they sign their true names (according to Rav Yosef, Bavli 36a). Some Chachamim merely drew pictures. The Rosh says that the enactment was to encourage signing their names; it was not mandatory.

מתניתא מסייעא לר' יוחנן כל הגיטין הבאין ממדינת הים אף על פי ששמותן כשם עכו"ם הרי אילו כשירין מפני שישראל שבחוצה לארץ שמותן כשם העכו"ם.


Support (for R. Yochanan - Beraisa): All Gitin from abroad are Kosher, even though the [witnesses'] names are like Nochri names, since most Yisre'elim in Chutz La'aretz have names like Nochri names.

לא אמר אלא שבח"ל הא שבא"י לא.


Inference: This is only in Chutz la'Aretz, but not in Eretz Yisrael [they are Pasul. If the Shali'ach must recognize the signatures, he knows that they are Yisraelim. It should be Kosher even in Eretz Yisrael! And also in Chutz la'Aretz, we should not need to rely on the majority!]

מאי כדון.


Question: How do we do [if they need not sign names, and the Shali'ach need not recognize them? One can easily forge, and the husband will not be able to prove that it was forged! How do we prevent this?]

רבי ביבי בשם ר' אסי עד שיכתוב במקום יהודאיקי. אם אין שם יהודאיקי בבית הכנסת. אם אין שם בית הכנסת מצרף עשרה בני אדם.


Answer (Rav Bivi citing R. Asi): [The Get] must be written in a place of Yehudaiki (Beis Din of Yisraelim, or) if there is no Yehudaiki, in a Beis ha'Keneses. If there is no Beis ha'Keneses, he gathers 10 people.

א"ר אבין נוח לו לקיימו בחותמיו ולא לצרף עשרה בני אדם.


Answer #2 (R. Avin): It is better (easier) for [the husband] to validate [the Get] through [witnesses who recognize] its signatures, and not to gather 10 people!

מאי כדון


Question: What was the conclusion?

אפילו בחנותן של ישראל.


Answer: Even in a store of Yisrael [suffices].