Gitin 42 (8 Tamuz) - Today's Dafyomi study is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Moshe Gottlieb, Moshe Ze'ev ben Chaim Shlomo Yosef ha'Levi z'l, who healed the sick of Jerusalem and Israel with Chesed. Dedicated by his loving family on the day of his Yahrzeit.


THE ENACTMENT FOR A HALF-SLAVE (Yerushalmi Perek 4 Halachah 5 Daf 24a)

מתני' מי שחציו עבד וחציו בן חורין עובד את רבו יום אחד ואת עצמו יום אחד דברי בית הלל


(Mishnah - Beis Hillel): A half-slave alternates. One day he serves his master, and the next day, he serves himself (he keeps his earnings);

בית שמאי אומרים תיקנתם את רבו ואת עצמו לא תיקנתם


Beis Shamai: You fixed (made a nice solution for) his master, but you did not fix the half-slave!

לישא שפחה אינו יכול בת חורין אינו יכול


He cannot marry a Shifchah, for he is half-free. He cannot marry a Bas Yisrael, for he is half-slave;



Suggestion: He will desist (from marriage and having children).

והלא לא נברא העולם אלא לפירייה ורבייה שנאמר [ישעי' מה יח] לא תוהו בראה לשבת יצרה


Rejection: The world was created only for the sake of procreation - "Lo Sohu Vera'ah Lasheves Yetzarah"!

אלא מפני תיקון העולם כופין את רבו ועושה אותו בן חורין וכותב שטר על חצי דמיו


Rather, for Tikun ha'Olam, we force his master to free him, and the half-slave writes a document obligating himself to pay half his value to his master.

חזרו בית הלל להורות כדברי בית שמאי:


Beis Hillel retracted, and agreed to Beis Shamai.

גמ' היאך איפשר חציו עבד וחציו בן חורין.


(Gemara) Question: How is it possible to have a half slave, half Ben Chorin?

תיפתר או כרבי דרבי אומר אדם משחרר חצי עבדו.


Answer #1: We can answer like Rebbi, who says that one can free half of his slave.

או דברי הכל בעבד של שני שותפין ועמד אחד מהן ושיחרר חלקו.


Answer #2: We can answer like everyone. He was a slave of partners, and one of them freed his portion.

מצא מציאה ביום של רבו של רבו ביום של עצמו של עצמו.


If he found a Metzi'ah on his master's day, it belongs to his master. [If he found] on his own day, it belongs to himself.

ולית מחר בעי יעבדה ליה למריה.


Question: Does he not need to serve his master tomorrow?! (The Yerushalmi holds that on the day he serves his master, he is a full slave, therefore his master acquires whatever the slave owns.)

קידש אשה ביום של מריה אין חוששין לקידושיו. ביום של עצמו חוששין לקידושיו.


If he was Mekadesh a woman (Bas Yisrael) on his master's day, we are not concerned for his Kidushin (he is like a full slave, who has no Kidushin). If he was Mekadesh a woman on his own day, we are concerned for his Kidushin (he is like a Ben Chorin then).

ולא כן אמר ר' חייה בשם ר' יוחנן מי שחציו עבד וחציו בן חורין קידש אשה אין חוששין לקידושיו.


Question: Didn't R. Chiyah, citing R. Yochanan, say that if a half slave was Mekadesh a woman, we are not concerned for his Kidushin (even on his own day)?!

דכוותה גירש אין חוששין לגירושיו.


Correspondingly, if he divorced, we are not concerned for his divorce. (Since he cannot be Mekadesh, 'divorce' must mean that he was a Shali'ach to divorce. Since Kidushin and divorce do not apply to him, his Shelichus is invalid. We explained this like KETZOS HA'CHOSHEN 249:2 .)

תמן תנינן אין נושאין נשים במועד.


(Mishnah): We do not marry women during the Mo'ed (festival).

שמעון בר אבא בשם ר' יוחנן משום ביטול פרייה ורבייה.


(Shimon bar Aba citing R. Yochanan): This is due to Bitul of Peru u'Rvu. (If people may marry during the Mo'ed, they will delay marriage until the festival, in order to economize. In any case they would make a special meal for the Mo'ed; it will serve also for Seudas Nisu'in.)

בעון קומי רבי יוסי עבד מהו שישא אשה במועד.


Question (to R. Yosi): May a slave marry a woman (Shifchah) during the Mo'ed?

אמר ליה נישמעינה מן הדא ליבטיל והלא לא נברא העולם אלא לפירייה ורביה.


Answer (R. Yosi): We learn from [our Mishnah]. Perhaps he will desist. [This cannot be, for] the world was created only for the sake of Peru u'Rvu;

ואמר ר' שמעון בר אבא בשם ר' יוחנן כל שהוא מצווה על פרייה ורבייה אסור לו לישא אשה במועד:


And Shimon bar Aba citing R. Yochanan said, anyone who is commanded Peru u'Rvu may not marry a woman during the Mo'ed. (TOSFOS Chagigah 2b DH Lo learns from our Sugya that slaves are commanded Peru u'Rvu.)