GITIN 70 (7 Av 5783) - Dedicated in memory of Dr. Simcha Bekelnitzky (Simcha Gedalya ben Shraga Feibush) of Queens, N.Y., Niftar 7 Av 5757, by his wife and daughters. G-d-fearing and knowledgeable, Simcha was well known in the community for his Chesed and Tzedakah. He will long be remembered.


ONE WHO WAS BEFUDDLED WHEN THE GET TOOK EFFECT (Yerushalmi Perek 7 Halachah 1 Daf 39a)

נתן לה את גיטה ואמר לא יהא גט אלא למחר ונעשה קורדייקוס תפלוגתא דר' יוחנן וריש לקיש.


If he gave her Get to her, and said 'it will not be a Get until tomorrow, and he was seized by Kordaikus, R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish argue about this. (Reish Lakish holds that it does not take effect until he is healthy.)

זרק לה את גיטה ואמר לא יהא גט אלא למחר תפלוגתא דר' יוחנן ודריש לקיש.


If he threw her Get to her, and said 'it will not be a Get until tomorrow [and she acquired it, but went away and left it there - OHR SOMAYACH Hilchos Gerushin 9:2], R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish argue about this.


Note: Other Meforshim say that also here, he was seized by Kordaikus. I do not understand why separate clauses must teach about one who gave to her and one who threw it to her. Surely they are the same! (PF)

ר' אלעזר אמר ר' אבין בעי תרם את כירייו ואמר לא יהא תרומה אלא למחר ונעשה קורדייקוס תפלוגתא דר' יוחנן ודריש לקיש.


(R. Elazar): R. Avin asked, if one tithed his stack, and said 'it will not be Terumah until tomorrow', and he was seized by Kordaikus, do R. Yochanan and Reish Lakish argue about this?

אמר ר' זעירא מתניתא פליגא על ריש לקיש ולית לה קיום.


Question (R. Ze'ira): A Beraisa argues with Reish Lakish, and one cannot resolve [his opinion with] it!

הרי שהיה צלוב או מגוייד ורמז ואמר כתבו גט לאשתו כותבין ונותנין בחזקת שהנשמה תלויה בו.


(Beraisa): If one was hanging on a crucifix, or cut up, and he gestured and said 'write a Get to my wife', we write and give in the Chazakah that his Neshamah is in him (he is still alive);

ואיפשר שלא נטרפה דעתו שעה אחת. הדא פליגא על ריש לקיש ולית לה קיום


Is it possible that his mind was not befuddled a moment [before death?! Even so, as long as the Get was given before death, it is Kosher!] This argues with Reish Lakish, and one cannot resolve it!