(a)Who is the Kohen Mashi'ach?
(b)On what initial condition is he Chayav to bring a Chatas?
(c)What animal is he obligated to bring?
(d)The Mishnah obligates him to bring it if he Paskened be'Shogeg and transgressed be'Shogeg. What if he performed either of them be'Meizid?
(e)To what does the Tana compare the ruling of a Kohen Gadol to himself?
(a)The Kohen Mashi'ach is - the Kohen Gadol who has been anointed with the anointing oil.
(b)He is Chayav to bring a Chatas - provided he issued a ruling (See Tosfos Yom Tov) permitting something for which one is Chayav Kareis, and acted on that ruling.
(c)He is obligated to bring - a Par (like the Tzibur [See Tosfos Yom Tov]).
(d)The Mishnah obligates him to bring it if he Paskened be'Shogeg and transgressed be'Shogeg. In the event that he performs either of them be'Meizid - he is Patur (See Tosfos Yom Tov).
(e)The Tana compares the ruling of a Kohen Gadol to himself - to that of Beis-Din to the Tzibur.
(a)What does the Tana say about a Kohen Gadol who ...
1. ... Paskens erroneously for himself and transgresses?
2. ... is a member of the Beis-Din that rules erroneously and together with whom he subsequently transgresses?
(b)And what do we extrapolate from the Pasuk in Vayikra (in connection with the Kohen Gadol's Chatas on Yom Kipur) " ... al Chataso asher Lo"?
(c)What do we learn from the Pasuk in Vayikra (in connection with the Kohen Gadol's Chatas on Yom Kipur) " ... al Chataso asher Chata"?
(a)The Tana rules that a Kohen Gadol who ...
1. ... Paskens erroneously for himself and transgresses - is Chayav to bring a Par for his atonement (See Tosfos Yom Tov).
2. ... is a member of the Beis-Din that rules erroneously and together with whom he subsequently transgresses - receives atonement through the Par He'elam Davar.
(b)We would have thought that he requires an independent atonement - just as he does on Yom Kipur - were it not for the Pasuk in Acharei Mos (in connection with the Par of the Kohen Gadol who sinned) - "ve'Shachat es ha'Chatas asher Lo".
(c)And from the Pasuk in Vayikra (in connection with the Kohen Gadol's Chatas on Yom Kipur) " ... al Chataso asher Chata" we extrapolate - that it is only for a sin that is exclusively his own that he bring his own individual Chatas (but not one that he transgresses together with the Tzibur).
(a)How do we support the current ruling from the fact that Beis-Din only bring a Par He'elem Davar if they issue a ruling to negate part of a Halachah and to uphold part of it (as we learned earlier)?
(b)What do we learn with regard to Avodah-Zarah from the Gezeirah Shavah "ve'Ne'elam" "veNe'elam"?
(a)We support the current ruling from the fact that - just as the Beis-Din only brings a Par He'elem Davar if they issued a ruling to negate part of a Halachah and to uphold part of it (as we learned earlier) so too does the Kohen Gadol (See Tosfos Yom Tov).
(b)We learn with regard to Avodah-Zarah from the Gezeirah Shavah "ve'Ne'elam" "veNe'elam" - that by Avodah-Zarah too, Beis-Din only bring the prescribed Korban if they sin under those same circumstances (See Tosfos Yom Tov).
(a)The Tana rules that Beis-Din are only Chayav a Par He'elam Davar if there is a He'elam Davar together with Shig'gas Ma'aseh. What exactly is ...
1. ... a 'He'elam Davar'?
2. ... 'Shig'gas Ma'aseh'?
(b)What does he then say about ...
1. ... a Kohen ha'Mashi'ach?
2. ... Avodah-Zarah (regarding both specifications)?
(c)What does the Mishnah learn from the Pasuk ...
1. ... "Yishgu ve'Ne'elam Davar"?
2. ... "(in connection with the Par Kohen ha'Mashi'ach) "le'Ashmas ha'Am"?
(d)What is Beis-Din Chayav in the case of Avodah-Zarah?
(e)From where do we know there too, they are only Chayav on a He'elam Davar together with a Shig'gas Ma'aseh?
(a)The Tana rules that Beis-Din are only Chayav a Par He'elam Davar if there is ...
1. ... a 'He'elam Davar' - where they erred in that they forgot a Halachah, together with ...
2. ... 'Shig'gas Ma'aseh' - where the majority of the people followed their ruling (be'Shogeg).
(b)He then says - that the same applies to ...
1. ... a Kohen ha'Mashi'ach and to ...
2. ... Avodah-Zarah (regarding both specifications).
(c)The Mishnah learns from the Pasuk ...
1. ... "Yishgu ve'Ne'elam Davar" - that Beis-Din is only Chayav a Par He'elam Davar if there is a He'elam Davar and a Shig'gas Ma'aseh.
2. ... "(in connection with the Par Kohen ha'Mashi'ach) "le'Ashmas ha'Am" - that the same applies to the Par of the Kohen Gadol.
(d)In the case of Avodah-Zarah, Beis-Din is Chayav - a Par and a Sa'ir.
(e)We know that there too, they are only Chayav on a He'elam Davar together with a Shig'gas Ma'aseh (See Tosfos Yom Tov DH 'Ein Chayavin') - from the Gezeirah Shavah of "me'Einei" "me'Einei" (See Tosfos Yom Tov).
(a)What other specification do the Par He'elam Davar shel Tzibur, the Par Kohen Gadol and the Par ve'Sa'ir of Avodah-Zarah have in common?
(b)How many Chayvei K'risos are there altogether?
(c)How many of them are not Chayav Chatas be'Shogeg?
(a)The Par He'elam Davar shel Tzibur, the Par Kohen Gadol and the Par ve'Sa'ir of Avodah-Zarah also have in common the fact that - they are confined to rulings whose Zadon is Kareis and whose Shogeg is a Korban Chatas.
(b)Altogether there are - thirty-six Chayvei K'risos ...
(c)... five of which are not Chayav Chatas be'Shogeg.
(a)Based on the Pasuk ...
1. ... in Vayikra (in connection with the Korban Chatas) "Achas mi'Kol Mitzvos Hash-m asher Lo Se'asenah", which two Chayvei K'risos are Patur from a Chatas be'Shogeg because they are Mitzvos Asei?
2. ... "la'Oseh bi'Shegagah", why is a Megadef (someone who curses Hash-m (ke'Vayachol), not Chayav a Chatas, be'Shogeg?
(b)Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kadashav are both Mitzvos Lo Sa'aseh and are transgressed via an act. What is the difference between Tum'as Mikdash and Kodashav?
(c)Why are they then not Chayav a Chatas be'Shogeg?
(d)How many Chayvei Kareis are there for which both Beis-Din and a Kohen Gadol are Chayav a Korban?
(a)Based on the Pasuk ...
1. ... in Vayikra (in connection with the Korban Chatas) "Achas mi'Kol Mitzvos Hash-m asher Lo Se'asenah", the two Chayvei K'risos that are Patur from a Chatas be'Shogeg because they are Mitzvos Asei are ' Pesach and Milah.
2. ... "la'Oseh bi'Shegagah", a Megadef (someone who curses Hash-m (ke'Vayachol) is not Chayav a Chatas, be'Shogeg - because he did not perform a Ma'aseh.
(b)Tum'as Mikdash - (entering the Beis ha'Mikdash be'Tum'ah) ve'Kadashav - (eating Kodshei Mizbe'ach be'Tum'ah) are both Mitzvos Lo Sa'aseh and are transgressed via an act.
(c)Nevertheless, they are not Chayav a Chatas be'Shogeg - because the Torah obligates a Korban Olah ve'Yoreid, and not a Chatas Kavu'a.
(d)Consequently, there are - thirty-one Chayvei Kareis for which both Beis-Din and a Kohen Gadol are Chayav a Korban.
(a)What does the Mishnah say about an Asei and a Lo Sa'aseh regarding Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kadashav vis-a-vis ...
1. ... the current Halachos?
2. ... an Asham Taluy?
(b)When does one bring an Asham Taluy?
(c)What is the case of ...
1. ... an Asei she'be'Mikdash?
2. ... a Lo Sa'aseh she'be'Mikdash?
(d)What mistake did the Beis-Din make in either case?
(e)We already explained why the Din of Par He'elam Davar does not apply there. Why is there no Din of Asham Taluy?
(a)The Mishnah rules that an Asei and a Lo Sa'aseh regarding Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kadashav - is subject, neither to the Din of ...
1. ... a Par He'elam, nor to that of ...
2. ... an Asham Taluy ...
(b)... which one brings in a case of Safek Chatas.
(c)The case of ...
1. ... an Asei she'be'Mikdash is - where a person became Tamei in the Beis ha'Mikdash and is obligated to leave by the shortest route.
2. ... a Lo Sa'aseh she'be'Mikdash is - not to enter it be'Tum'ah.
(d)The Beis-Din (See Tosfos Yom Tov DH 'Ein Chayavin ... ') erred - by permitting him to leave by a longer route or to enter be'Tum'ah (both of which carry a Chiyuv Chatas), respectively.
(e)We already explained why the Din of Par He'elam Davar does not apply there. The Din of Asham Taluy does not apply - for the same reason (since it is not Chayav a Chatas Kavu'a be'Shogeg [See Tosfos Yom Tov]).
(a)And what does the Tana say about an Asei and a Lo Sa'aseh regarding Nidah vis-a-vis ...
1. ... the current Halachos?
2. ... an Asham Taluy?
(b)What is ...
1. ... Asei she'be'Nidah?
2. ... Lo Sa'aseh she'be'Nidah?
(c)What mistake did Beis-Din make in the former case?
(d)Why, as opposed to Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kodashav, does the Din of Par He'elam Davar apply there?
(a)The Tana rules that an Asei and a Lo Sa'aseh regarding Nidah apply both with regard to ...
1. ... the current Halachos and with regard to ...
2. ... an Asham Taluy.
(b)If the woman becomes Tamei during Tashmish, the ...
1. ... Asei she'be'Nidah is - to withdraw, but only after the Eiver has become limp (by sticking the tips of his fingers into the ground/bed to minimize the pleasure).
2. ... Lo Sa'aseh - is not to continue having relations with her (See Tosfos Yom Tov).
(c)The mistake that Beis-Din made in the former case is - allowing him to withdraw immediately (which carries with it a Chiyuv Chatas).
(d)As opposed to Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kodashav, the Din of Par He'elam Davar applies there - because the Chiyuv for transgressing be'Shogeg is a Chatas Kavu'ah.
(a)The Mishnah adds to the list of things that are not subject to a Par He'elam Davar, Shemi'as Kol Bituy Sefasayim and Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kodashav (the latter we discussed already earlier). What is the case of ...
1. ... 'Shemi'as Kol'?
2. ... 'Bituy Sefasayim'? What four cases does it incorporate?
(b)Which common reason pertains to all three cases?
(c)What does Rebbi Yossi ha'Gelili say about the Din of a Nasi?
(d)What Korban does the Nasi bring if he Paskens erroneously and subsequently follows his own ruling?
(a)The Mishnah adds to the list of things that are not subject to a Par He'elam Davar, Shemi'as Kol Bituy Sefasayim and Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kodashav (the latter we just discussed). The case of ...
1. ... 'Shemi'as Kol' is - where Reuven swears falsely that he does not know of a fact that entails testifying on behalf of Shimon.
2. ... 'Bituy Sefasayim' is - where a person swears that he will eat and doesn't or vice-versa, or swears falsely that he ate or didn't eat.
(b)The common reason that pertains to all three cases is - that a Yachid is not subject to a Chatas Kavu'ah.
(c)Rebbi Yossi ha'Gelili equates the Din of a Nasi with that of Beis-Din who are Chayav to bring a Par He'elam Davar.
(d)If the Nasi Paskens erroneously and subsequently follows his own ruling, he is Chayav to bring - a Sa'ir.
(a)What does Rebbi Akiva learn from the fact that the Torah writes in Vayikra, both in connection with a Masi and in connection with a Korban Oleh ve'Yoreid (which each of the three above sinners are Chayav to bring) "ve'Chiper alav ha'Kohen me'Chataso"?
(b)Why does he then concede that he is Patur in the case of Shemi'as Kol?
(c)Does this mean that he is Patur from a Korban altogether?
(d)Like whom is the Halachah regarding both a Kohen Gadol and a Nasi regarding all three cases of Korban Oleh ve'Yoreid?
(e)What is therefore the Din?
(a)Rebbi Akiva learns from the fact that the Torah writes in Vayikra, both in connection with a Nasi and in connection with a Korban Oleh ve'Yoreid (which each of the three above sinners are Chayav to bring) "ve'Chiper alav ha'Kohen me'Chataso" that - in the latter case, a Nasi is Chayav to bring a Sa'ir.
(b)He concedes however, that he is Patur in the case of Shemi'as Kol - because a king may neither judge or testify, nor be judged, or testify against ...
(c)... not that he is Patur from a Korban altogether, but that he is Chayav to bring a Korban Oleh ve'Yoreid like everybody else.
(d)The Halachah regarding both a Kohen Gadol and a Nasi regarding all three cases of Korban Oleh ve'Yoreid is - like the Chachamim, who hold that ...
(e)... all three cases are Chayav a Korban Oleh ve'Yoreid, as we will see later.
(a)The Mishnah spells out the differences between a Yachid, a Nasi, a Kohen Gadol and Beis-Din with regard to a. other Mitzvos (for which one is Chayav Kareis be'Meizid and Chatas Kavu'ah be'Shogeg), and b. Avodah-Zarah. Regarding the former, which animal is brought by ...
1. ... a Yachid?
2. ... a Nasi?
3. ... a Kohen Gadol and a Tzibur?
(b)Regarding the latter, which animal is brought by ...
1. ... a Yachid, a Nasi and a Kohen Gadol?
2. ... a Tzibur?
(c)In the Parshah of Avodah-Zarah in Sh'lach-l'cha, which begins "ve'Im Nefesh Achas Techeta", what does the Tana learn from the Pasuk there "Torah Achas Yih'yeh lachem ... "?
(a)The Mishnah now spells out the differences between a Yachid, a Nasi, a Kohen Gadol and Beis-Din with regard to a. other Mitzvos (for which one is Chayav Kareis be'Meizid and Chatas Kavu'ah be'Shogeg), and b. Avodah-Zarah. Regarding the former, the animal that is brought by ...
1. ... a Yachid is - a Kisbah or a Se'irah (a she-lamb or a she-goat (See Tosfos Yom Tov)
2. ... a Nasi is - a Sa'ir (a he-goat).
3. ... a Kohen Gadol and a Tzibur is - a Par.
(b)Regarding the latter, the animal that is brought by ...
1. ... a Yachid, a Nasi and a Kohen Gadol is - a she-goat, and by ...
2. ... a Tzibur - a Par as a Olah and a Sa'ir as a Chatas (See Tosfos Yom Tov).
(c)In the Parshah of Avodah-Zarah in Sh'lach-l'cha, which begins "ve'Im Nefesh Achas Techeta", the Tana learns from the Pasuk there "Torah Achas Yih'yeh lachem ... " - that all of the above Yechidim bring the same Korban for Avodah-Zarah.
(a)Now the Mishnah spells out the differences between a Yachid, a Nasi, a Kohen Gadol and Beis-Din regarding an Asham Taluy and an Asham Vaday. What is an example of a case where somebody brings an Asham Taluy?
(b)What distinction does the Tana draw between a Yachid and a Nasi on the one hand and a Kohen Gadol and Beis-Din on the other?
(c)How does he learn that Beis-Din is Patur from the Pasuk (in connection with the Par He'elam Davar) "ve'Nod'ah ha'Chatas"?
(d)And from where does he learn that the Kohen Gadol is Patur, too?
(a)Now the Mishnah spells out the differences between a Yachid, a Nasi, a Kohen Gadol and Beis-Din regarding an Asham Taluy and an Asham Vaday. An example of a case where somebody brings an Asham Taluy is - where two k'Zeisim of fat are lying in front of him, one Cheilev, the other Shuman, and he picks up one of them and eats it without knowing which one he ate.
(b)The Tana rules that - a Yachid and a Nasi are subject to the Din of Asham Taluy, but not a Kohen Gadol and Beis-Din.
(c)He learns that Beis-Din is Patur from the Pasuk (in connection with the Par He'elam Davar) "ve'Nod'ah ha'Chatas" - indicating that they are only Chayav a Par He'elam Davar if they can identify exactly the sin that they performed.
(d)And he learns that the Kohen Gadol is Patur, too - because, as we already learned, the Din of the Kohen Gadol is equivalent to that of the Beis-Din (See also Tosfos Yom Tov).
(a)Regarding an Asham Vaday, what is the Din of ...
1. ... a Yachid, Nasi and Kohen Gadol?
2. ... Beis-Din?
(b)What is the reason for ...
1. ... the former ruling?
2. ... the latter ruling?
(c)How many Ashamos Vaday are there?
(d)If three of them are 'Asham Me'ilos, Asham Gezeilos and Asham Nazir, what are the remaining two?
(a)Regarding a Korban Asham Vaday ...
1. ... a Yachid, Nasi and Kohen Gadol (See Tosfos Yom Tov) - are all Chayav, but ...
2. ... Beis-Din - are not.
(b)The reason for ...
1. ... the former ruling is - because the Torah writes, in connection with the Asham "ve'Im Nefesh Achas ... ", and draws no distinction between one Yachid and another.
2. ... the latter ruling is - because the Par He'elam Davar only applies to a sin that carries a Chatas Kavu'a, as we learned earlier (but not an Asham).
(c)There are - five Ashamos Vaday ...
(d)... 'Asham Me'ilos, Asham Gezeilos, Asham Nazir - Asham Metzora and Asham Shifchah Charufah.
(a)We have already learned that Beis-Din is Patur from Shemi'as ha'Kol, Bituy Sefasayim and Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kodashav. What does the Tana Kama say about a Yachid, Nasi and Kohen Gadol?
(b)From which one of these does Rebbi Shimon exempt a Kohen Gadol?
(c)He learns this from the Pasuk in Chukas "ve'Ish asher Yitma ve'Lo Yischata ve'Nichr'sa ... mi'Toch ha'Kahal". What does he Darshen from there?
(d)In what way does the Din of a Kohen Gadol differ from that of the Kahal?
(e)What is the Halachah?
(a)We have already learned that Beis-Din is Patur from Shemi'as ha'Kol, Bituy Sefasayim and Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kodashav. The Tana Kama rules that a Yachid, Nasi and Kohen Gadol - are all Chayav.
(b)Rebbi Shimon exempts a Kohen Gadol - by Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kodashav ...
(c)... from the Pasuk in Chukas "ve'Ish asher Yitma ve'Lo Yischata ve'Nichr'sa ... mi'Toch ha'Kahal", from which he Darshens - that it is only someone whose sin resembles that of the Kahal who brings a Korban Oleh ve'Yoreid ...
(d)... and the Din of a Kohen Gadol differs from that of the Kahal in that - he is only Chayav if he transgresses following his own ruling (as we learned earlier).
(e)The Halachah is that - he brings a Korban Olah ve'Yoreid even by Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kodashav, like the Tana Kama (See Tosfos Yom Tov).
(a)According to the Tana Kama, they all bring a Korban Oleh ve'Yoreid. What does Rebbi Eliezer say about a Nasi by Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kodashav?
(b)His reason is because Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kodashav is Chayav Kareis be'Meizid (like the other cases on which he brings a Sa'ir). On what grounds does the Tana Kama disagree with Rebbi Eliezer?
(c)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)According to the Tana Kama, they all bring a Korban Oleh ve'Yoreid. Rebbi Eliezer rules that by Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kodashav - a Nasi brings a Sa'ir ...
(b)... because Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kodashav is Chayav Kareis be'Meizid (like the other cases for which he brings a Sa'ir). The Tana Kama disagrees with Rebbi Eliezer - because the main criterion, according to him, is not the Din by Meizid, but by Shogeg, and since the Din of Shogeg by Tum'as Mikdash ve'Kodashav is not a Chatas Kavu'ah, he brings the same Korban as everybody else.
(c)The Halachah is - like the Tana Kama.