[18a - 28 lines; 18b - 30 lines]

1)[line 8]והאכלתיו פרסV'HE'ECHALTIV PRAS- and I paid him back half of the amount

2)[line 25]מודה מקצת הטענה ישבעMODEH MIKTZAS HA'TA'ANAH YISHAVA

If a person admits that he owes part of a claim, the Torah suspects that the person wants to temporarily postpone part of the payment but does not have the audacity to completely deny the claim. He is therefore required to take an oath on the part he denies (Shemos 22:8).

3)[line 27]בעי דלכפריהBA'I L'MICHPEREI- he wants to deny it


4)[line 1]בעי דלודי ליהBA'I D'LODI LEI- he wants to admit to him [that he owes him all of his claim]

5)[line 2]דלישתמיט ליהD'LISHTAMIT LEI- to elude him (i.e. to evade his claim)

6)[line 9]כתב ידינו הוא זהKESAV YADENU HU ZEH (KIYUM SHETAROS)- (lit. this is indeed our handwriting) witnesses are called on to testify about the validity of a legal document by verifying their signatures

7)[line 16]כל כמיניהKOL KEMINEI?!- (lit. Is everything from him?) Do they have such power?! Is their claim accepted?!

8)[line 16]כיון שהגיד שוב אינו חוזר ומגידKEIVAN SHE'HIGID, SHUV EINO CHOZER U'MAGID- once a witness has testified, he cannot retract and testify again [about the same event]

9)[line 18]עדים החתומים על השטר נעשה כמי שנחקרה עדותן בב''דEDIM HE'CHASUMIM AL HA'SHTAR, NA'ASEH KEMI SHE'NECHKERAH EDUSAN B'VEIS DIN- a signed legal document has, to some extent, the same validity as the testimony of two witnesses in court

10)[line 24]אין אדם משים עצמו רשעEIN ADAM MESIM ATZMO RASHA- In capital cases or matters pertaining to verifying one's lineage, a person is not permitted to testify against himself in court

11)[line 27]שהפה שאסר הוא הפה שהתירSHE'HA'PEH SHE'ASAR HU HA'PEH SHE'HITIR- (lit. that the mouth that forbade is the same mouth that permitted) since we only know that the witnesses' signatures are theirs because of their testimony, we also believe them when they say that they were forced into signing, they were minors or they were disqualified witnesses

12)[line 29]מעיקרא מידק דייקME'IKARA MEIDAK DAYIK- initially checks out [the matter of the qualification of his witnesses] very well