[90a - 32 lines; 90b - 35 lines]

1)[line 10]חידשוCHIDSHU- if they added to the amount of the first Kesuvah

2)[line 14]מתניתין אטעיתיהMASNISIN AT'ISEI- our Mishnah led him to make a mistake



One of the stipulations of marriage that is imposed by Beis Din and that is written explicitly in the Kesuvah (see Background to 49:5) is called "Kesuvas Benin Dichrin." If the wife dies before her husband, her sons inherit the full value of her Kesuvah after he dies (and not the sons of his other wives), aside from the remainder of the estate (which is divided equally among all of the sons).


4)[line 4]לאינצוייL'INTZUYEI- that this will arouse a fight, an argument

5)[line 7]כתובה נעשית מותר לחברתהKESUVAH NA'ASEIS MOSAR L'CHAVERTAH

(a)Kesuvas Benin Dichrin only takes effect if there are assets in the father's estate worth at least a Dinar ("Mosar Dinar") that can be apportioned according to the Torah laws of inheritance. If not, all of the sons share all of the assets equally. If a man's two wives die during his lifetime, his estate must contain at least an extra Dinar above and beyond the value of the two Kesuvos.

(b)If, however, one of the husband's wives dies during his lifetime and the other passes away after his death (Achas b'Chayav v'Achas b'Moso), there does not have to be an extra Dinar in the estate. The sons of both wives inherit the value of the second Kesuvah and pay it as a debt to the sons of the second wife. As such, the Torah laws of inheritance are not circumvented. The value of the second Kesuvah is considered the "Mosar" needed to insure that the sons of the first wife collect the value of the first Kesuvah through the Halachah of Kesuvas Benin Dichrin.

6)[line 8]מותר דינרMOSAR DINAR- see previous entry, (a)

7)[line 14]לנחלה קתניL'NACHALAH KA'TANI- (this argument alone suffices to refute all three of the proofs that the Gemara mentioned earlier, since according to this interpretation our Mishnah is not discussing Benin Dichrin at all — TOSFOS DH v'Hacha)

8)[line 22]אשכחתינהוASHKACHTINHU- I found them