If an orphaned girl was seduced he is exempt.
- True.
- False.
- Only if she was divorced from Eirusin.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
If a girl was divorced from Eirusin, one who rapes her must pay.
- True.
- False.
- Only if she were a יתומה.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes B&C.
How many students did ר"ע have אצל רבותינו שבדרום?
- 5
- 10
- 100
- 1000
- 24000
חמשים סלעים does not include בושת ופגם. How do we know?
- תחת אשר עינה
- ונתן האיש השוכב עמה לאבי הנערה חמשים כסף
- Sevara. בושת ופגם of each is unique.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.
בושת ופגם go to the father. How do we know?
- בנעוריה בית אביה
- מקנסא
- סברא
- He does her הפרת נדרים.
- Kashya.
How do we know there is no מוציא שם רע on a קטנה?
- ולו תהיה לאשה must be one who can accept אישות herself.
- Minor can't be stoned.
- נערה is spelled out full excluding a minor.
- Machlokes A&B.
- Machlokes A&C.