(a)Who were Admon and Chanan ben Avishalom?
(b)What sort of decrees did they deal with?
(c)If Chanan issued two basic rulings with which the Chachamim disagreed, how many basic rulings did Admon issue?
(a)Admon and Chanan ben Avishalom were - Dayanei Gezeiros (judges who would issue judicial decrees and penalties) ...
(b)... on thieves.
(c)Chanan issued two basic rulings with which the Chachamim disagreed, Admon issued - seven.
(a)Chanan's first ruling concerns a woman whose husband goes overseas and who then comes to claim Mezonos. What is she Chayav to swear?
(b)According to Chanan, she swears at the end but not at the beginning. What do the sons of the Kohanim Gedolim say?
(c)Some explain 'at the end' to mean should the husband die and the Almanah comes to claim her Kesubah. How does the Rambam explains it?
(d)Why is the current Halachah not applicable before three months after the husband leaves for overseas?
(a)Chanan's first ruling concerns a woman whose husband goes overseas and who then comes to claim Mezonos. She is Chayav to swear - that she is not holding anything that belongs to her husband,
(b)According to Chanan, she swears at the end but not at the beginning. The sons of the Kohanim Gedolim say - both at the beginning and at the end.
(c)Some explain 'at the end' to mean should the husband die and the Almanah comes to claim her K'subah (See Tos. Yom-Tov). According to the Rambam however, it means - when the husband returns and claims that he left her Mezonos before his departure.
(d)The current Halachah is not applicable before three months after the husband leaves for overseas - because we take for granted that a husband does not go overseas without leaving his wife with a three-month supply of Mezonos.
(a)Rebbi Dosa ben Horkinas agrees with the sons of the Kohanim Gedolim. What did Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai say?
(b)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)Rebbi Dosa ben Horkinas agreed with the sons of the Kohanim Gedolim, Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai - with Chanan.
(b)The Halachah is - like Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai.
(a)What does Chanan rule with regard to a man who goes overseas and someone sustains his wife during his absence?
(b)Why is that?
(c)What if the man lends the woman money specifically for Mezonos on the express condition that she pays him back?
(d)What will be the Din if the husband claims that he left his wife money for Mezonos and she denies it?
(e)What happens to the repayment of the loan?
(a)Chanan rules that if a man goes overseas and someone sustains his wife during his absence - he has lost his money (i.e. he cannot claim it back from the husband) ...
(b)... since the husband can say that he never asked him to lend his wife money (and that he would repay it [See Tos. Yom-Tov]).
(c)If the man lends the woman money specifically for Mezonos on the express condition that she pays him back- then he claims from the woman, who claims from her husband and pays back the loan.
(d)If the husband claims that he left his wife money for Mezonos and she denies it - then he simply swears a Shevu'as Hesses (mi'de'Rabbanan) and is Patur from paying ...
(e)... and his wife remains obligated to pay (should she become widowed or divorced).
(a)What did the sons of the Kohanim Gedolim say in the current case?
(b)Here too, Rebbi Dosa ben Horkinas concurrs with the sons of the Kohanim Gedolim. Who concurred Chanan?
(c)What did he add to his initial statement?
(d)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)According to the sons of the Kohanim Gedolim in the current case - the man who lent the money swears how much he spent, and claims it from the husband.
(b)Here too, Rebbi Dosa ben Horkinas concurs with the sons of the Kohanim Gedolim - and Rabban Yochanan ben Zakai with Chanan.
(c)He added to his initial statement - that 'he (the lender) placed his money on the horn of a deer (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(d)The Halachah here too is - like Rebbi Yochanan ben Zakai.
(a)What is the Din regarding inheritance there where a man dies leaving behind sons and daughters and a large estate?
(b)In the first of Admon's seven rulings, Admon and the Chachamim argue over a case where the man leaves behind minimal property. Some explain 'minimal property' to mean enough to sustain his sons and daughters for one year. How does the Rambam explain it?
(c)What does the Tana Kama say in such a case?
(d)On what grounds does Admon disagree?
(e)Whose opinion does Raban Gamliel support?
(f)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)If a man dies leaving behind sons and daughters and a large estate - the sons inherit and the daughters are sustained from the property (See Tos. Yom-Tov DH 'ha'Banim ... ' & DH 've'ha'Banos Nizonos').
(b)In the first of Admon's seven rulings, Admon and the Chachamim argue over a case where the man leaves behind minimal property. Some explain 'minimal property' to mean enough to sustain his sons and daughters for one year. The Rambam however explains - enough to sustain them until the daughters reach the age of Bagrus (twelve and a half [See Tos. Yom-Tov]).
(c)The Tana Kama rules - that the daughters inherit and the sons can 'knock at the doors' asking for alms.
(d)Admon argues - 'Is it because I am a boy that I must lose out'?
(e)Rabban Gamliel supports - the opinion of Admon.
(f)The Halachah however is - like the Tana Kama.
(a)What is the Din in a case where Reuven claims from Shimon ten jars of oil, and the latter admits that he owes him five?
(b)That is how Admon rules if he claims ten jars of oil, and the latter admits to ten empty jars. What do the Chachamim say?
(c)On which principle is their ruling based?
(d)Their Machlokes here is based on how to interpret Reuven's claim of ten jars of oil. What is ...
1. ... Admon's interpretation?
2. ... the Chachamim's interpretation?
(a)If Reuven claims from Shimon ten jars of oil, and the latter admits that he owes him five ('Modeh be'Miktzasha'Ta'anah') - then he pays Reuven what he admits, and swears on the rest.
(b)That is how Admon rules if he claims ten jars of oil and the latter admits to ten empty jars. The Chachamim rule that he is Patur from paying the empty jars and does not need to swear ...
(c)... based on the principle - 'Ta'ano Chitin ve'Hodeh lo bi'Se'orin, Patur' (If Shimon admits to something other than what Reuven claims, he is Patur).
(d)Their Machlokes here is based on how to interpret Reuven's claim of ten jars of oil. According to ...
1. ... Admon, the claim incorporates both the jars and the oil; whereas according to ...
2. ... the Chachamim, he is claiming the volume of oil that goes into ten standard-size oil jars (but not the jars).
(a)Whose opinion does Raban Gamliel support?
(b)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)Raban Gamliel supports the opinion - of Admon ...
(b)... and that is the Halachah.
(a)The Mishnah discusses a case where a man fixes a dowry for his engaged son-in-law and then 'stretches out his leg'. According to the Rambam this means that he left on a long journey. Others interpret it as a Lashon of disgrace/insult. What does it then mean literally?
(b)What is the third interpretation of the phrase?
(a)The Mishnah discusses a case where a man fixes a dowry for his engaged son-in-law and then 'stretches out his leg'. According to the Rambam this means that he left on a long journey. Others interpret it as a Lashon of disgrace/insult, in which it means literally - that he indicates to him to take some mud from underneath his feet as his dowry.
(b)The third interpretation of the phrase is - as if to say 'You can hang me by my feet on a tree (since) I don't have anything to give you!' (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)The Tana Kama rules that his daughter (the Kalah) just has to wait until her hair turns white. On what terms would Admon agree with this ruling?
(b)What does Admon say in the current case?
(c)What does Raban Gamliel comment?
(d)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)The Tana Kama rules that his daughter (the Kalah) will just have to wait until her hair turns white. Admon would agree with this ruling - if it was the Kalah herself who had fixed the dowry. But now that it was her father ...
(b)... he claims that she can force her Chasan either to marry her or to give her a divorce.
(c)Raban Gamliel - agrees with Admon ...
(d)... and that is the Halachah.
(a)The Mishnah now discusses a case where Reuven claims that a field in Shimon's possession belongs to him, even though he himself is a signatory on the document of sale. What exactly is the case?
(b)What is the problem (with Reuven)?
(c)On what grounds does Admon then accept his claim?
(d)What do the Chachamim say?
(a)The Mishnah now discusses a case where Reuven claims that a field in Shimon's possession belongs to him, even though he himself is a signatory on the document of sale. The case is - where Re'uven signed on the document, testifying that Levi sold the field to Shimon, but now claims that initially, Levi stole it from him.
(b)The problem is - why Reuven signed on the initial document (seeing as he claims that the field was his to begin with?
(c)Admon nevertheless accepts his claim - since he can argue that he signed because he considered Shimon easier to deal with than Levi.
(d)According to the Chachamim - he has lost his right to claim (See Tos. Yom-Tov).
(a)What will the Chachamim say if Reuven's signature appears on the Sh'tar Mechirah, not as a witness, but as a Dayan?
(b)Why is that?
(c)Admon, on the other hand, will concede that Reuven loses his rights to claim the field there where he 'made it a sign for somebody else'. What is the case (See Tiferes Yisrael)?
(d)Like whom is the Halachah
(a)If Reuven's signature appears on the Sh'tar Mechirah, not as a witness, but as a Dayan - the Chachamim will concede that he has not lost his rights to claim ...
(b)... because when Dayanim sign on a Sh'tar, they are verifying, not the contents of the Sh'tar (which they are not obligated to check, but) the signatures of the witnesses.
(c)Admon on the other hand, will concede that Reuven loses his rights to claim the field there where he 'made it a sign for somebody else' - (i.e. if he signed on a document regarding the sale of a neighboring field, which bordered the field in question on one side, and which states that the latter belonged either to Shimon or to Levi (See also Tos.Yom-Tov).
(d)The Halachah is - like the Chachamim.
(a)What does Admon say about Reuven who returns from overseas and has forgotten which path leads to his field?
(b)What do the Chachamim say?
(c)In which case will ...
1. ... Admon concede that the owners of the surrounding fields can deny him access to his field?
2. ... the Chachamim concede that he can claim a path with impunity?
(d)In which case are they then arguing?
(a)Admon rules that if Reuven returns from overseas and has forgotten which path leads to his field (which meanwhile his neighbors have taken possession of) - he is authorized to claim the shortest path (since that is the smallest claim).
(b)The Chachamim say that - he has the option of either purchasing a path for a hundred Manah (if need be) or of flying to his field.
(c)On the one hand ...
1. ... Admon concedes - that if the surrounding fields are owned by four independent owners, they can deny Reuven access to his field via his path, whereas ...
2. ... the Chachamim concede that he can claim a path with impunity - if all four fields are owned by the same person (Mah Nafshach).
(d)They are arguing in a case where - one person purchased the four fields that surround Reuven's field from four different owners.
(a)What is the basis of their Machlokes?
(b)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)The basis of their Machlokes is - whether he can threaten to return the four Sh'taros of purchase to their respective owners, unless Reuven remains silent (the Chachamim [See Tos. Yom-Tov]) or not (Admon).
(b)The Halachah is - like Admon.
(a)The Mishnah discusses a case where Reuven produces a Sh'tar-Chov on Shimon, who produces a Sh'tar in which Reuven sold him a field at a later date. What does Shimon then claim?
(b)Admon upholds Shimon's claim. What do the Chachamim say?
(c)What was Shimon doing that pushed Reuven to sell him the field?
(a)The Mishnah discusses a case where Reuven produces a Sh'tar-Chov on Shimon, who produces a Sh'tar in which Reuven sold him a field at a later date claiming that - if he owed Reuven money, Reuven should have claimed it before selling him a field. Consequently, either the Sh'tar-Chov is a forgery or the debt has already been paid.
(b)Admon upholds Shimon's claim. The Chachamim maintain - that Reuven was smart in selling Shimon the field, as this enables him to claim his debt (See Tos. Yom-Tov) ...
(c)... since Shimon was hiding his Metalt'lin to prevent him from claiming them.
(a)In which case would the Chachamim concede that Reuven's actions (or lack of them) subtantiate Shimon's claim?
(b)Seeing as their Machlokes evolves around a case where they tend to write the Sh'tar before the purchaser pays, what does Admon say Reuven ought to have done if his claim was genuine?
(c)How do the Chachamim counter that?
(d)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)The Chachamim would concede that Reuven's actions (or lack of them) would subtantiate Shimon's claim - in a place where the Minhag is for the purchaser to pay before the seller writes the document of sale (because then Reuven certainly ought to have held on to the money and declined to write the Sh'tar).
(b)Seeing as their Machlokes evolves around a case where they tended to write the Sh'tar before the purchaser pays, Admon claims - that if Reuven's claim was genuine, he ought to have handed a Moda'ah (to quietly inform two witnesses) that he was only selling the field in order to claim it in lieu of his debt.
(c)The Chachamim counter that - he would be afraid to do that, out of fear that Shimon gets to hear about it, and retracts from the purchase.
(d)The Halachah is - like the Chachamim.
(a)According to the Chachamim, if two people produce a Sh'tar-Chov on one another, each of them may claim his debt. What does Admon say? (See Tos. Yom-Tov)
(b)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)According to the Chachamim, if two people produce a Sh'tar-Chov on one another, each of them may claim his debt. Admon argues - that the latter lender can say to the first one 'If I owed you money, why did you then borrow from me (instead of simply claiming your debt)'? (See Tos. Yom-Tov)
(b)The Halachah is - like the Chachamim.
(a)The Mishnah lists three locations regarding marriages. What are they?
(b)What is the significance of the Mishnah's statement?
(c)What is the difference between an 'Ir' and a 'K'rach'?
(d)What does the Tana say about forcing a woman to move (in the same 'location') from ...
1. ... one town or city to another?
2. ... a town to a city or vice-versa?
(e)What is the reason for the latter rulings? In which way is dwelling in ...
1. ... a city inferior to dwelling in a town?
2. ... a town inferior to dwelling in a a city?
(a)The Mishnah lists three locations regarding marriages - Yehudah, Eiver ha'Yarden and the Galil ...
(b)... meaning that if a man marries a woman in one of these locations, he cannot force her to move from one to the other.
(c)An 'Ir' is - a small town whereas a 'K'rach' is - a large city (which serves as a business center and where everything is available).
(d)The Tana permits forcing a woman to move (in the same 'location') from ...
1. ... one town or city to another, but not from ...
2. ... a town to a city or vice-versa ...
(e)... because dwelling in ...
1. ... a city is inferior to dwelling in a town - since the living condition are more cramped.
2. ... a town is inferior to dwelling in a city - since not everything is available there.
(a)The Tana Kama permits forcing one's spouse to move from a nicer area to an inferior one, but not vice-versa. On what grounds does Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel forbid even the former?
(b)Like whom is the Halachah?
(a)The Tana Kama permits forcing one's spouse to move from an inferior area to nicer one, but not vice-versa. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel forbids even the former - sometimes changing from one area to another causes illness.
(b)The Halachah is - like Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel.
(a)What is the Din regarding a case where a man from the Galil, for example, marries a woman from Yehudah?
(b)Why is that?
(c)And what if he wants to move from...
1. ... a city the majority of whose residents are Nochrim to one of Rov Yisre'elim?
2. ... the majority of whose residents are Yisre'elim to one of Rov Nochrim?
(a)If a man from the Galil, for example, marries a woman from Yehudah - he can force her to come and live with him ...
(b)... because that is self-understood.
(c)And the same applies if he wants to move from a city ...
1. ... the majority of whose residents are Nochrim to one of Rov Yisre'elim, but not from one ...
2. ... the majority of whose residents are Yisre'elim to one of Rov Nochrim.
(a)Which two locations may a man force his family to move to?
(b)What about moving out?
(c)Whom does 'his family' incorporate?
(d)In the former case, what will be the Din if he wants to move from ...
1. ... a nicer area to an inferior one?
2. ... an area whose majority of residents are Yisre'elim to one where they are Nochrim?
(a)A man may force his family to move to - Eretz Yisrael and to Yerushalayim ...
(b)... but not to move out from Eretz Yisrael (See Tos. Yom-Tov) or from Yerushalayim (Ibid.).
(c)'His family' incorporates - his Eved Ivri.
(d)Theformer ruling will apply - even if he wants to move from an area ...
1. ... which is nicer to an inferior one or from one ...
2. ... whose majority of residents are Yisre'elim to one where they are Nochrim.
(a)What will be the Din if it is the wife who wants to move to Eretz Yisrael or Yerushalayim or not to move out?
(b)What can the husband do if his wife refuses to move from a nicer area outside Yerushalayim to an inferior area in Yerushalayim?
(c)And what will the Din be in the latter case, if it is the husband who refuses to move?
(a)The same Din will apply - if it is the wife who wants to move to Eretz Yisrael or Yerushalayim, or not to move out
(b)If a woman refuses to move from a nicer area outside Yerushalayim to an inferior area in Yerushalayim - her husband has the right to divorce her without a Kesubah ...
(c)... whereas if it is the husband who refuses to move - then his wife has the right to demand a divorce and to claim her Kesubah
(a)If a man marries a woman in Eretz Yisrael and divorces her in Eretz Yisrael, he pays her Kesubah in Eretz Yisrael coinage. The Tana now discusses a man who marries a woman in Eretz Yisrael and divorces her in Keputki (See Tos. Yom-Tov), or vice-versa. What is a better-known name for Keputki?
(b)What is the major difference between the two types of coinage?
(a)If a man marries a woman in Eretz Yisrael and divorces her in Eretz Yisrael, he pays her Kesubah in Eretz Yisrael coinage. The Tana now discusses a man who marries a woman in Eretz Yisrael and divorces her in Keputki (See Tos. Yom-Tov), or vice-versa. A better-known name for Keputki is - Kaftor.
(b)The major difference between the two types of coinage is that - the coins of Keputki are larger and heavier.
(a)According to the Tana Kama, how does the husband pay her, assuming that he ...
1. ... married her in Eretz Yisrael and divorced her in Keputki?
2. ... married her in Keputki and divorced her in Eretz Yisrael?
(b)What does Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel say?
(c)What is the basis of their Machlokes?
(d)Like whom is the Halachah?
(e)Who is the author of the Mishnah's concluding statement that if he married his wife in Keputki, he must pay her Kesubah with the coinage of Keputki (See Tos. Yom-Tov)?
(a)According to the Tana Kama, assuming that the husband ...
1. ... married her in Eretz Yisrael and divorced her in Keputki - he pays her with the coinage of Eretz Yisrael, and the same will apply if he ...
2. ... married her in Keputki and divorced her in Eretz Yisrael.
(b)According to Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel however - in the latter case, he pays with the coinage of Keputki ...
(c)... because he holds that Kesubah is d'Oraysa (therefore he goes le'Chumra, to pay the larger coins) [See Tos. Yom-Tov]), whereas the Tana Kama holds that Kesubah is de'Rabbanan.
(d)The Halachah is like - the Tana Kama.
(e)The Mishnah's concluding statement that if he married his wife in Keputki, he must pay her Kesubah with the coinage of Keputki - is unanimous.
Salik Maseches Kesuvos