KESUVOS 53 (1 Elul 5782) - Dedicated l'Iluy Nishmas Esther Chaya Rayzel (Friedman) bas Gershon Eliezer (Yahrzeit: 30 Av, Yom Kevurah: 1 Elul) by her daughter and son-in-law, Jeri and Eli Turkel of Raanana, Israel. Esther Friedman was a woman of valor who was devoted to her family and gave of herself unstintingly, inspiring all those around her.


DAUGHTERS' RIGHTS TO PARNASAH (Yerushalmi Perek 4 Halachah 12b Daf 30b)

מתני' בנן נוקבן דיהוין ליכי מינאי אינון תהון יתבן בביתי ומיתזנן מנכסי עד דתינסבן לגוברין חייב שהוא תניי ב"ד:


(Mishnah): 'Your daughters from me will live in my house and be fed from my property until they get married' - he is obligated (even if he did not write so in the Kesuvah), for it is a stipulation of Beis Din.

גמ' רב חסדא אמר בגרו איבדו מזונות נישאו איבדו פרנסתן


(Gemara - Rav Chisda): [If the daughters] became Bogeros, they lost their rights to be fed. If they married [after Bagrus], they lost Parnasah (a 10th of the estate that a Yesomah (orphan girl) receives when she marries).

תני ר' חייה בגרו לא נישאו נישאו לא בגרו איבדו מזונותן ולא איבדו פרנסתן


(R. Chiyah - Beraisa): If they became Bogeros, but did not marry, or they married, but did not become Bogeros, [in both cases] they lost food, but they did not lose Parnasah.

ר' אבין בשם הילא ומודין להך בהדא אלמנה שהיא תובעת מן היורשין היא אומרת לא נתקבלתי מכתובתי והיורשין אומרים לה נתקבלת כתובתך


(R. Avun citing Heila): [Rav Chisda and R. Chiya argue about a Bogeres who married, whether or not she lost Parnasah, but] they argue about a widow who claims against the heirs. She says, I did not receive my Kesuvah, and the heirs say 'no, you received your Kesuvah';

עד שלא נישאת היורשין צריכין להביא ראייה שנתקבלה כתובתה נישאת עליה להביא הראייה שלא נתקבלה כתובתה


Before she married, the heirs must bring a proof that she received her Kesuvah. (If not, she collects.) After she married, she must bring a proof that she did not receive her Kesuvah [in order to collect. We explained this like PNEI MOSHE.]

והא תנינן יתומה שהשיאה אמה או אחיה וכתבו לה מאה וחמשים זוז יכולה היא משתגדיל להוציא מידם


Question (Mishnah): If a Yesomah's mother or brothers married her off, and they wrote to her 150 Zuz, after she matures, she can take from them [the 10th that she should have received].

טעמא דקטנה הא גדולה וויתירה


Inference: This is because she was a minor (an adult marries herself off), but if she was an adult (even a Na'arah), she pardoned! (This is unlike Rav Chisda and R. Chiyah.)

תיפתר שנטלה מקצת


Answer: This is because she received part [of Parnasah. Rav Chisda and R. Chiyah discuss one who received nothing.]

לא כן א"ר אבינא בשם רבי אסי בכור שחלק כפשוט חזקה וויתר עוד היא שנטל המקצת


Support: Did not R. Avina, citing R. Asi, say that if a Bechor took a share like a Pashut (not a firstborn), the Chazakah is that he pardoned [his extra share]? Also here, if an adult took part [of her Parnasah, she pardoned]!

אמר רבי יוסי בי רבי בון לא נטל זה מבכורתו כלום


Rebuttal (R. Yosi bei R. Bun): [A Bechor who took like a Pashut] did not take anything from his extra share! (Then, we say that he pardoned. If an adult took part, we can say that she did not pardon!)


Note: The one who brought a support holds that receiving anything, even a Pashut share, is like receiving part. Alternatively, dividing equally is taking part of Bechorah. E.g. if there are three sons, the Bechor should get half, and each Peshut gets a quarter. If everyone took a third, the Bechor took part of his extra quarter. R. Yosi bei R. Bun holds that this is not part of Bechorah. He totally pardoned it, and then each Pashut gets a third. (PF)

אתא עובדא קומי רבי מנא [דף לא עמוד א] ובעא מיעבד כהדא דרב חסדא


A case came in front of R. Mana, and he wanted to rule like Rav Chisda.

אמר ליה ר' חנניה והא תני ר' חייה בגרו ולא נישאו נישאו ולא בגרו אבדו מזונותן ולא אבדו פרנסתן


Question (R. Chananyah - R. Chiyah's Beraisa): If they became Bogeros, but did not marry, or they married, but did not become Bogeros, they lost food, but they did not lose Parnasah.

אמר ליה אנא אמרי שמועה ואת אמרת מתניתא תבטל שמועה מיקמי מתנית'


Retraction (R. Mana): I say like a teaching [of Amora'im], and you say a Beraisa. The teaching is Batel due to the Beraisa.

רבין בר חייה בעי קומי רבי זעירא בא עליה עודה בבית אביה מעכשיו נתקיימו בה תנאי כתובה או אינה אלא דרך נישואין


Question (Ravin bar Chiyah, to R. Ze'ira): If he had Bi'ah with her while she was still in her father's house - do Tana'im of the Kesuvah apply from now, or only [after Bi'ah] in the way of Nisu'in (when she enters his Reshus)?

ר' בון בר חייה בעא קומי רבי זעירא מחלה לו על כתובתה מהו זכותה אבדה זכות בניה לא אבדה:


Question (R. Bun bar Chiyah, to R. Ze'ira): If she pardoned her Kesuvah to him, what is the law? She lost her rights - [do we say that] her sons' rights are not lost?