"'וכל שאינו לא במקרא ולא במשנה ולא בדרך ארץ " You must דור (נדור) הנאה ממנו. Why?
- He must be from the לצים.
- He must steal to live.
- We think he may eat Treif too.
- Bad for Shiduchim.
- Machlokes B&C.
*הדרן עלך האשה נקנית*
- !TRUE!
Why shouldn't one use a messenger to marry his wife?
- מצוה בו יותר מבשלוחו
- "מצוה שיראנה שמא תתגנה עליו"
- She may be insulted.
- Hed needs to negotiate the Kesuva.
- Machlokes A&B.
"האיש מקדש את בתו כשהיא נערה" why not talk about קטנה?
- You would ask what about נערה.
- קטנה is too young. We need to wait until she grows up.
- Once she becomes a נערה she is married of as soon as possible.
- נערה is needed as she can take Kidushin herself.
Reuven told his agent Shimon 'Take Terumah' - Shimon doesn't know what Reuven usually takes. What does he do?
- He takes as much as he likes.
- Wait for instructions.
- Take the average. Any deviation Pasuls.
- Take the average. May be off by 10%.
From where do we know that an agent can take Terumah?
- 'גם' יתירא
- גיטין
- גיטין and פסח .
- A&B.
- A&C.